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Full Version: Family battles fatal insomnia
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[url ""]Genetic mutation inflicts rare disease through generations[/url]

Very interesting, and very Sad, article. Here's the opening paragraph:

Imagine what a nightmare it would be to never have a nightmare, to never again have a dream, to be banished forever from the topsy-turvy realm of sleep. Just imagine what it would be like one day to wake up and never fall asleep again, to be tortured in a twilight world of perpetual insomnia, lying in bed, exhausted but with eyes wide open, listening to the groans and whispers of the night -- sleepless, until death mercifully claims you.
I know that fealing...

Not to belittle this topic, it is a terrable fealing.

I received a head trama as the result of a car injury several years ago, the first two weeks I never slept a single moment. after that I experience days at a time with out sleep,

the fealing is un-nerving to say the least.

I actualy lost 15 pounds during those two weeks as well.

this is a new one for me, I never heard of any one with this delema. What spured you into look in to this topic?
It was one of the headlines in the MSN stuff that I glance over. I had to read it.

I know what it's like to live on very little sleep as well. When I was severely depressed I was getting anywhere between 1 and 3 hrs of sleep a night. That lasted for close to two months. I became suicidal as a result. Glad that's over with!
I don't usually have that problem (can't sleep), but the other night I was sick and I had slept during the daay, so I was up til 3am. There is nothing on TV, you can't really get into doing anything either. I didn't feel like getting on the computer. I couldn't play video games with out waking other people up.

It totally sucked.

It's amazing how many things we take for granted.
The only cure for the boardom is a 6 hour vidio tape from years gone by, I hate having to get up to change the tape, that is why I wont get a dvd.

now if you had a good clasic rock radio station like WCSX you could turn off the lights and put on the head phones and kick back in the lazy boy....[Wink]