I am newbie when it comes to floating, but I intend to change that this year. So My question is I am looking at buy the Trout Unlimited Colorado Pontoon boat. I want to Put a motor on it, So It has the Motor mount and the battery tray all ready on it I can find this for $360 on-line and it is $450 at cabelas will this be a good buy or should I look cheaper and still get what I want? Any help in this will be greatly apperciated and I can't wait to get floating this spring.
P.S I will be floating lakes (Strawberry,scofield,lost creek)
Welcome aboard JiggNIt. We are always glad to have newbies here.
It sounds like you have found a good price on the Trout Unlimited Toon. Usually Cabelas has a super price compaired to most of the other places.
I don't think you will find a price much lower than the one you found, anywhere. If there are any concerns as to reputation of the place in which you are purchasing it from, I would check them out first.
A bargain is a bargain at any price. Just beware about where you purchase certain things on the internet.
I hope it all works out for you and that we can assist you in getting on the water. There are quite a bunch of tubers and tooners not far from you.
Once again, I welcome you and hope that we get you going with your new equipment once it arrives.[cool]
Don't forget! In most states, including Utah, you will need to register your Toon once you put a motor on it.[unsure]
[#0000ff]Hey, glad you found your way over here. Welcome aboard.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Here's a pic, for the benefit of those who have not seen one. I have not tried one, but I have spent a couple of years in a TU Kennebec (mini pontoon), and I have reviewed several of the other craft from TU. My opinion is that all of their products are well made and a fair price. The Colorado lists at $499 most places, so if you can score that bargain on the Internet, you will do well.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Just looking at the picture, it would seem that the design is good. Lots of pockets, the storage area behind the seat, motor mount already in place, etc. I would say that the midrange price makes it a good value. Most other craft in that range need modifications (more money) to bring them up to that level of outfitting. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You can certainly spend a lot more, but if you are just getting into flotation fishing, that should be a good investment. If you learn enough to appreciate the differences of the more expensive models, you can usually recover most of your first investment in a resale, if you have taken good care of your starter craft. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I think Mikecromaine, on the Utah Board, just got one of those too. You might PM him to verify, and to get some input from him. He has not yet hit the water with it, but is planning to do so as soon as the weather cooperates.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you have reviewed our past threads, you will know that we are here to answer all of your questions and to help you get "up to speed" as quickly and as painlessly as possible. Pop back in whenever you need more answers.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Let us know what you decide...and why.[/#0000ff]
Icehole69 and mikecromaine both have the colorado. Mike ordered his from ebay i think. Last year Sam's club had them in the store for $340 I think. That doesn't mean they'll have them this year, but it's worth checking out, cuz it'll save you some dough on shipping.
I have the Madison, which is the 7' version, and I have no complaints about it. I'm sure the colorado will be even better, but quite a bit heavier.
Actually, I just checked out Sam's website, and they list it for $340 there, so it was closer to $315 in store, at the time. I think if it were me, I'd go look in the store, and if they don't have it, check with the manager to see if they're going to get some in.
If you're interested in the madison, sportsman's had them for 219.

]I bought the same one in Green, and I love it, it fits in the back of my truck, when partially deflated. Has alot of pockets, and is easy on assembly, its light but strong, used it several times last year without any complaints. except work kept me from going more. Good luck, and welcome to the site. [cool]

]Hey we going to make it out to pineview this year for the crappie?
I certainly hope so. I only went there once last year, and didn't catch anything. I didn't really hear any good reports so I never went back. This year is sounding more promising. I hate to go somewhere, fight boat traffic, and not catch anything, ya know?
Anyways, with the snowpack looking like it does, and the lake theoretically filling enough to get the vegetation wet, I think we have the makings for a decent fishing season up there.
I'll let you know when I go.
yes I have one in pumkin toke her out for the first time and ilove it already I got mine off ebay if you want to know were i got it i could put you in touch with them I got mine for 375.00
Welcome to the board. I have the same toon as you are looking at, I used it last summer and liked and learned alot with it. There are three problems I have had.
1- There is a wear point on the bottom where the two seams are sewen together. My seams were wearing from dragging my toon in and out of my truck. I put duct tape over the seams and this helped.
2- With the motor mount offset to the right I had to use a longer shaft motor so I wouldn't hit the r/hand pontoon.
3- The valves will sometimes develope a slow leak ( not enough to worrie about in four hours of fishing ) I'm going to put o-rings or thin cork strips in the caps and see if that helps.
I learned alot from that toon to help me upgrade. I now use a fish cat cougar and like it alot.
If you have any questions ask away or p.m. me.
p.s. If I can fix the valve problem, I will be selling it in april. That toon has many fish storys
[cool][#0000ff]Thanks for the input, Bro. I had been looking hard at the Cougars too, and was leaning toward the Colorado. Now I may stay with Plan A.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I had a Trout Unlimited Kennebec for a little over a year. I also had problems with the air valves. In fact, I had one that was prone to popping up and letting out a lot of air in a hurry. NOT GOOD when you are out on the water. That was the reason I started carrying a piece of plastic tubing with me, to top of the air while afloat if I needed to.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]No, if the Colorado has the same valves as the Kennebec, that is enough to keep me from getting one. I partially deflate and then reinflate on every trip. If the valves are not going to hold up, that is a major concern. I prefer peace of mind and being able to focus on fishing, not worrying about having to walk back to shore. I haven't learned how to walk on water, unless it is frozen.[/#0000ff]
Man Great info here its great! I was going to order mine tonight, I dont know now. How long a shaft did you have to use? I have two more questions.
1. what is a good thrust motor for this toon?
2. do I want a transom or bow mount (I think i want a transom)
Thanks again for all the help and great info.
I'm not sure about the Colorado, but my Madison has the Boston valves, which seem to work fine if you tighten the cap down.
My wife's toon also has a schrader (tire pump) valve built into it, which I thought was a nice modification. They seemed to make a few improvements to the Madison from the time that I got mine till she got hers.
[cool][#0000ff]If you go to the top post on our float tube forum, you will find that a lot of questions are categorized with links to past threads on the issues. In the link below, a couple of BFT tooners suggested that the 30 pound thrust Minnkotas were working well for them.[/#0000ff]
[url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?post=145342;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread http://"][#333366][size 1]PONTOON TROLLING MOTOR QUESTIONS[/size][/#333366][/url][size 1] [/size]
[#0000ff]Most of us prefer the stern mount motors, to keep the motor out of the way for both fishing and alternate propulsion (fin power). You just need to be sure that you can reach and control the motor from a forward facing position. They do have remote controls for trolling motors, but they are not cheap.[/#0000ff]
TubeDude I think your plan A is the best. Between the two toons the cougar is made of heaver duty material.
If you need to take apart the toons to transport the cougar is a lot easyer and faster.The Colorado has two nuts and bolts that hold the basket to the frame, makes for a big paain in the a$$. The cougar uses all clevis pins.
The cougar you are lower to the water with better kicking power and control.Both toons are hard to control when the W comes up.
Fish cat makes a 9'toon called the panther, is the same as the cougar just longer.
Jigg-n-it I used a 47lbs thrust minn kota on the colorado, it had the 36" shaft ( I think its 36" ) that cleared my r/hand pontoon. First gear is all I used to troll and get around in. I tried 5th gear a couple times,but was almost to much for the toon.
I use 30lbs thrust minn kota on the cougar and it works fine,
think that has the 30" shaft.
I use the transom mount, keeps the front of the toon open and clear for bring in fish. Also makes it easyer to get in and out of.
The minn kota you can move the head around 180 so the prop is to the rear or front.
Also on most toons that have the adjustable seat, the wing nuts come loose, so you need to check each time befor you launch.
Jigg-N-it hears a picture of the colorado
Hey guys, thanks a lot for all the info. Henerysfork I sent you a PM.