Fishing Forum

Full Version: Strawberry 12/17/05
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went to the berry after work last night. Fished the EXACT same spot as last Thur. when I iced 10 cuts in an hour and a half. This time the fish were there but wouldn't take. Fished for 2.5 hours and had ONLY one bite, a small 16.5" cut. Moved-around a bit, but got tired of digging holes with my hand auger through 2 feet of ice and 1 foot of frozen slush.

Oh well . . . can't slay 'em every time. AND even slow fishing is better than no fishing![Smile]
Thanks for the report. That's too bad the fish weren't in a more friendly mood for ya. You are right about fihsing though! Good luck on your next trip out.
Your right about the Berry being slow! I went the other day and had fish on my flasher but only 1 taker and I too got tired of drilling hole after hole with a hand auger. I think the fishing is real slow right now cause of all the stormy weather were having, it should get better after all this storm passes.