We went to Green River and followed highway 530 to turn off 156, it is the second turn after Buckboard marina. We arrived around 8am because we had to stop in Green River(GR) to get our stamps and water user permit. We started catching fish right away but never got one on the ice over 22" and 4 lbs. The action stopped all too quick but we stayed till 1pm. We decided to try another area so we went back toward GR and stopped at turn off 11 and took road 165 from there, near Confluence Point. We used the large Storm jigs, they were white in color we also used salt and pepper tube jigs and sweetened them with sucker meat. We fished in 80 foot of water, very few people in the area we fished. That was our first trip to the Wyoming side so it was a learning experience. Maybe next time we can get some big ones. WH2
Curt, how thick was the ice?
Curt-Sounds like a fun trip,what do those storm jigs look like?
Ira thought it was near 12 inches and we did not measure it but it looked closer to 6 or 7. The ice did not look good, most was white and cloudy with very little that was clear. We saw no ATV's or snowmobiles in the first spot we fished but a few were on the ice at the second spot. One thing that I liked about fishing the Wyoming side was all the easy access and once we got to Green River it was only 25 miles or so to the area we fished. In both areas we fished, we only had to walk 100 yds or so to get to water that was 70 and 80 feet deep.
The Storm jigs that we were using are shaped like a fish with paddle tails, I think they are called wideye or something like that.
Thanks for the report . Been pondering the idea of going there but still not sure yet . I feel I will have to pay some dues to find them too .
Thats the same way I feel but you got to start some where. We were mainly following some advise from the Doug Miller show. I got one of those maps of the Gorge from the Fish-N-Map Co. it shows all the side road numbers that Doug listed on his site. I think we could have done much better if we had arrived earlier but I guess that is part of the learning experience. The way the ice looked it won't last much longer but now we know a good spot to fish from a boat later this year.
Hey, WH2 Great report!! I'm in that learning curve phase of Flaming
gorge too. QUESTION; How much does it cost for the stamp and the water user permit and also were in green river can do you get them?
The stamp is $10.00 for the season and the water user permit cost $2.00 for one day, $5.00 for 16 days and I'm
not sure what the season pass cost. I know Kentofnsl bought one last year so maybe he can pass that info on to you. I bought my permit and stamp at the Ace hardware in GR, it is on road 530, it is on the right side of the road after you go over the over pass. Ace opens at 7am but you can also buy them at Buckboard marina but it does not open until 8am. Good luck. WH2
The year pass is $20 and goes for a full year from the month purchased.