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Hit Rockport at 1:30 pm, and right off the bat caugt an 18 inch bow and then to my surprise I had a Chub/or a sucker on my watta crickett and he was so fat I couldn't fit him through the hole.Worthless terd anyway! He broke my line! Rest of the day caught nothing but 12 inch rainbows 20 total. Turned most of them back took home 3 fish. Til next time... PEACE!!!!
Dude, if you had a CHUB that wouldn't fit through the hole.....

Sounds like a very productive day. Are you sure the chub wasn't a carp?
are there carp in rockport?? i have never heard of anyone catching any... i thought i saw one once back in the flats, i was wading and casting spinnerbaits in the brush, my the guy i was fishing with said that there where no carp in the rock... are they in there???
Suckers , chubs and yes big carp .
i knew that there were suckers and chubs... but i had no idea that there where carp in there.. are there some toads in there?? and are there enough to fish for??? this summer i "AM" gonna take the catch and release record for carp. i almost got it last year... several times, the last BIG one i caught was a half inch off... i was heated.
My first fish from the Rock was a carp back in the eighties . I didn't fish it forever since . But took up a liken for perch . Did hook a sucker I bet went close to 30" . I was so disappointed . Thought I had me a monster brown . LOL I let him keep the jig in his mouth .
Wow, what I would give to have a few fresh suckers to fish at the Bear!! Let me know if you find any, Jake
[size 1]"I had a Chub on my watta crickett and he was so fat I couldn't fit him through the hole."[/size]
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[size 1]Just curious what size of holes you drill?[/size]
[size 1][/size]
Regular Augar Hole is what I drill 8in.
I caught a 10 inche chub on the East side of Rockport on Sunday. Caught a couple of chubs over there last year too.
I hope that the chubs are doing good, this is why, the chubs will feed the bass an perch and the brown trout in the lake without some type of feeder fish you cant have the real biguns.[Wink][Wink][cool][cool]
The largest chub I've ever seen is 15 inches but I have caught suckers over 5 lbs. What color was this fish? The good thing about chubs or suckers, they are great bait for lake trout. If you catch any more let me know, I'd be glad to take them off you hands. WH2
It was a light silver on the top of his back and whitish on the belly,I am sure it was a sucker the way people are responding to my post,but I know it wasn't a carp...PEACE!!!!