K, I fished it Saturday afternoon, Saturday night, and all day Sunday. I will say this much..... the stories you hear about this lake are true. I have the pics on a roll of film to prove it. My first three fish were a 21 inch bass, a seventeen inch bass and a sixteen inch bass all within about 45 minutes of starting to fish. In all, during the last hour or so of daylight and fishing till about eleven at night, I caught fifteen + or minus a couple but in giving this total, I am guessing that I've errored on the conservative side. Lets just say that the next morning, when I tied on my lure from the previous night, there were spots where you could see the white basecoat on the lure because it had been smacked so many times the color was getting worn off. Fished the morning bite and broke off a good fish with the scratched up lure, tied on the same lure color and kept catching fish. Funny thing, I saw that same big fish jump out of the water a couple times later with my lure hanging out the side of its face, still trying to throw the hooks.... hope the hooks rot out or it winds up getting rid of the lure... it was too nice of a fish for it to starve to death..... [unsure] Anyway, caught another four fish out of the lake in the morning and then kicked down the outlet. Didn't see near as many bass in there as usual which was odd but I caught another five or six down to the little spillway. Saw some really big bass in the undercuts but no takers on my plastics. Used some little rattletrap type baits from Wallyworld with minimal success. Fsh4Fun and his friend Nate were still up on the lake fishing with a dropshot rig doing pretty well it seemed on the cookie cutter bass. When they fished the outlet and caught up with me, they didn't do as well and also reported that they saw fewer fish this time down. John and I fished it a couple weeks ago and did really well so we were both surprised. Anyway, we hiked up to the lake to fish some more and John and Nate were working the dropshot rig some more and picking up some more fish. John told me later that he switched to just a worm, trying to get bluegills but he caught mostly bass. I kicked over by the dock and caught another twelve +- bass and two memorable bluegill which I also took pictures of. The first was ten inches and the second went nine. They sure were pretty. Most of the bass the second day were smaller, the biggest running about fifteen. One thing is for sure.... when I go back, I'll be night fishing. That was a riot and even though I got hung up more, the numbers and size of the fish made up for the frustrating periods. A lot of the fish were more pale in color, leading me to believe that the bigger fish come up at night to feed shallow. Just my uneducated guess but thats how it appeared to work Saturday night anyway. Anyway, thats my report and I spent all day Monday recovering.... I was spent. I seriously can't wait until I get some warm fishable smallie water because I have been rebaptized into the church of bass...... [cool]
If folks read this and didn't know you like I do they would think you were telling some tall ones. That is quit a report guy, what a trip. That's something to see that big guy jumping around with the lure. Reminds ya of Moby Dick.[

] Good on ya.[

Moby was the fatso I caught right when I got there.... holy cow!! I'd seen a couple people on here write about big fish that they took and put on the wall but I just CPR'ed the fish and it swam off with a big splash...kind of an in your face you cocky fisherman.... [

] You know, its not just the lake that makes it worth the trip either so I don't want people to think I'm just a meat hog that goes and keeps everything. I haven't kept anything but photos and memories of this lake. Its worth it for the dogs howling, the rabbits, ducks, fish, the warm water, and the military jets zooming by. Its just a special experience that shouldn't be overwhelmed by everyone all at once but definitely something everyone should have a chance to experience. I think I've just been lucky that I selected the right lure/right place/right time so if you go out and don't do well/catch tons of fish, just take home all the gorgeous memories of the place itself.... The nice thing is that there are bluegill ponds, the lake, exploring, all that kind of stuff that will help enhance the experience for you. I tell tales sometimes, with the best of em, but when it comes to the fish I catch, I'm pretty much a straight shooter. I just don't much see the point in misleading folks. Granted, I don't want to see any hole fished out but I always like to let people know about some of the out of the way places I've fished because some of the best fish stories are the ones that are so true, they're unbelievable.[cool] And yeah, Leaky, you know me pretty well..... Obviously I'm not as quiet at the keyboard as I am on the water.... [

]Things just seem easier for me to say when I'm typing or writing them out. So, I hope you all don't get too bent at me for posting about my successes and I promise when I post about places, I'll try to avoid as much as possible any fabrication or falsehoods that will lead folks to believe something that is not necessarily so. I just hope I get to fish with more of you so that I not only have memories of the fish I catch, but of the people I pursued them with.
[cool]Nice report, RiverRat77. That place sounds like a lot of fun, and one of these days I'm gonna hit it for myself!
My wife loves lake Rainbow and Pepermill, when we go to Wendover. It would be great for me to find that lake you are talking about. I would be a lot more excited about driving to Wendover for her, if I could get in a little fishing while we were there.
Would you please give me a better idea as to how you get to the lake? Thanks, DKS.
[url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?post=132082;sb=post_subject;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread"]Click here for directions to Blue Lake[/url]
Thanks Kent...thas actually what I was going to tell them because I'm technologically inept and can't post links like that...well, don't know how anyway.... [

Thanks alot guys. You just had to rub it in that I didn't go this weekend, and you did great. LOL Glad you had a good time. I look foward to fishing the blue soon.
Well, I turned em all back, so they should still be there when you get a chance to fish it.... [cool] K, I've wreaked enough havoc both on this post and the other that I've frequented so I'm out for the night.... talk to all you fellow schmeckenheimens tomorrow....
Thanks Kent. Can you get a day license in Wendover, and how much is one? I assume the lake is in Nevada.
As far as I know it is in Utah and according to topozone.com it is. It is a heck of a fun place for those winter blues. Here is the link [url "http://www.topozone.com/map.asp?lat=40.50194&lon=-114.03139"]http://www.topozone.com/map.asp?lat=40.50194&lon=-114.03139[/url]
You travel through Nevada a short distance, but Blue Lake is located in Utah.
Ha! I knew if you fished out there enough you'd get some gooduns. Them fish can be fussy at nights, though. Some of the best fishing is at nights when there is a full moon. But other wise the big old gals don't come up. Its awesome to fish with lighted bobbers. Them bass take the bait down all the way if you let em, and you can watch it go the entire way.
Got a couple questions for you, RiverRat, and anyone else who has fished at Blue Lake. Could I launch a boat there? I've got an old 18-foot fiberglass open bow, not too heavy, but not a light aluminum either.
Also, you never fully mentioned the types of lures you were using. If that was intentional, then I understand, but if you would shed a bit more light on what to use there, I would appreciate it. I'm very familiar with how to fish small, shallow bass waters like Pelican and big, deep waters like Jordanelle, and I'm a big fan of plastics like Senkos, but were you using more of the hard crankbait lures? Like I said, if you'd rather not give out too much information, I understand.
I'm glad you had such a great time. There's nothing like driving to an out-of-the-way lake and feeling the privacy and serenity of a quiet setting. Your report has got me thinking of maybe taking the family to Wendover to stay in a motel and possibly hitting Blue Lake in the afternoon for some fishing. If I can't launch a boat, could my kids and I fish from the shore with any luck?
Thanks for your help.
Only if you are friends with someone with a large helicopter for ferrying your boat to the lake. One must walk though the mud flats to reach the water. There are some board walks that make it easier to access the lake, but no way to get a boat to it that can not be easily carried.
Thanks, Kent. Do most people fish it from shore, then, or does a person need a float tube or other small craft to get into the best fishing at Blue? In Rat's post, it was obvious he was in a float tube.
I prefer to fish from the shore in a pair of chest waders. For me its just easier. But you can also got a float tube or pontoon down there if you want to. I haven't tried it yet, but it sure does sound effective.
My curiosity is getting the best of me. I looked at a topo map on the link but couldn't see it in very much detail. How many lakes are there at Blue Lakes? Do most of them have fish? How far across are they? Are there bass in all of them, or only bluegills in some? It really sounds like an interesting place to make an overnight trip to visit. Thanks for the info. Acey
Can't answer many of your questions, except to say that there are several ponds. I would give you some advice, if you want to camp overnight, get out there before the mosquitos hatch in the spring. If you are picturing a scenic place with lots of nice shade trees, you are thinking of the wrong place.
There are primarily 2 lakes. The bluegill ponds are the upper one. Its one smaller lake thats divided up into about 4-5 littler "ponds". There are a ton of smaller bluegill and the occasional bass in that one. Then there is the main lake. That has bass and bluegills.
From what I've seen out there, if there are reeds there are fish. If not, its a little salt pond.