In one word, DEAD! In 3 hours I was there I spotted one fish at 26 feet on the Hummingbird, and 3 fish at 14 ft. One fish came up on the ice. I should have taken my first idea and went to Rockport.
Sorry to hear your trip wasn't more fruitful. Did you move around at all? Thats been the main objective while fishing lost creek this year, move,move,move and when you find the fish, catch a few and then move again. Last itme I was there we moved 6 or 8 times before 10am.. I do wish the fish were a little bigger for all the moving we did.. Thanks for sharing the report dan.
Even if the fishing was better, the fish are so little and skinny. Unless you are there with the kids or something, not worth it anymore till the fish start getting bigger.
Thanks for the reply, next week I think I will do Rockport if it is any good.