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Here are the details for my gorge trip. I am planning on leaving saturday morning early and meeting my partner from heber in Kamas and heading for the buckboard/confluence area somewhere to fish. We are going to spend the night in green river, I found a super 8 for around $50 a night (two beds, double occupancy rate) and fishing again on sunday and heading home late afternoon. We are going to bring our stuff for the greenriver as well, just in case the fishing or ice conditions turns out to be ugly. If anyone is interrested let me know and we can work out the details.
Man that sounds fun. Wish I could go!
FYI there are cheeper place's in Manillia.435)784-3363 not sure what the room's are like but thay are only 43 a night and about the same drive to buckboard.[Wink]
Hey fairway we are heading up Fri. staying in manila. last time we were there (buckboard) we brought in everything from 3 to 6 lbs. I A guy next to us brought in a 27 and a 34 lber. just my luck. lol. We were using 4" tubes. He was useing 7" tubes in 100 ft of water. give me a call and I will see if I can help.(channel 12) best of luck to you.. Oh and me too.