I have been reading the posts on this site about twice a week for a few years now, mostly watching for posts about the Gorge.
I almost never reply.
But you guys have this so wrong that I just cant hold my

First of all $20 a year / $ 3 a day is probably the best DEAL on recreation in the country.
should raise the fees and I hope they do.
Second the Gorge is'nt just big...Its HUGE !
91 miles long through 2 states, plus about 17 miles of world class fly fishing water that flows out the bottom. Boat ramps, Roads, Bathrooms, Visitors Centers, Campgrounds (some accessable only by boat), Trash collection, Fish cleaning stations, Picnic tables, Floating docks all over the lake, Snow removal, Game wardens, Fish stocking and reasearch, Not to mention maintenance on the actual giant cement dam itself !!!
Do You have any idea how big of a management job it must be ???
Or how much money it must cost ???
And how much money do you really think they make off those fees ?
Think about it...
I'm one of the ones like you guys. Who will brave any elements (set aside the east wind), any time of year, just to be out there and have a chance to catch those fish.
And other than Memorial, July Fourth, and Labor day, and a few other summer weekends, I consistently see about 30 - 40 other boats out there (Esp. this time of year).
So us 40 lunatics, X $20, contribute about $800 a year to the millions it must cost to run the place.
And from October to May on weekdays, we have it pretty much to ourselves. It almost makes me feel guilty !
And you guys want to see them spend more money on ROADS and RAMPS ???
To do what, bring even more weekend warriors in the summer ???
To add a few more waverunners and waterskiers to those precious May and June days in Swim and Antelope ???
Lets face it you guys, the fishery has some problems right now.
The Kokanee numbers are very low, even for the low end of their normal "cycle".
The Smallmouth Bass have pretty much stunted.
They pour serious $$$ and effort just trying to sustain a population of rainbows and browns.
The small Macks are beginning to overrun the lake.
That is what we should be spending money to fix !
If things keep going like their going, in 20 years the lake is going to be full of 6 inch bass, 9 inch Kokanee, and 18 inch macks. And twice a year, when some lucky fool catches a 20 pounder, all of us "old timers" will tell tell stories about how this lake used to be FULL of fish even bigger than that.
Its a good thing for you guys that I'm not in charge...
[#ff0000]Caughtmydink's New Rules for Flaming Gorge:[/#ff0000]
[#000000]1. New Fees... $100 per year / $10 per day.[/#000000]
[#ff0000][#000000]2. No more Improvements to roads or ramps EVER ! (I'd drag a canoe 3 miles through the dirt[/#000000] [/#ff0000][#000000]to fish it.)[/#000000]
3. Tiger Muskies in to thin the Bass and not touch the Kokes.
4. MANDATORY to keep 6 Macks under 20". And there would be a stiff fine for releasing them.
5. MANDATORY catch and release on all Macks over 36".
NO MORE BUZZ BOMBS !!![/#ff0000]
[#000000] You snaggers should be ashamed of yourselves !!![/#000000]
I know you're reading this.
I was up quite a bit this fall and I see even the guides are in on it now.
Breaking curfew by an hour or so and ripping buzz bombs on top of the spawning beds I mean.
I won't name names...
But just think of the State you live in naked...
You know who I'm talking about...
I'd hire 10 extra Wardens from October 1 to December 1, and have them sit in Linwood, and at the Koke spawning beds up the lake (and possibly even buoy and close those !) and write you guys tickets all day long ! (and pick up some extra revenue too !)
The truth is I dont know how to solve all the Problems of the Gorge, and make us all happy.
But I do know this...
I have a dream today...
I have a dream that all of our little children will fish in a lake where they have the chance to catch the fish of a lifetime...
I have a dream that some day the fish in the Gorge will be judged not by the scales on their skin but by the size of their bodies...
I have a dream that someday Wyoming and Utah can work together hand in hand to save the fish and not the toilets...
Big fish at last ! Big fish at last!
Thank God Almighty we have Flaming Gorge in which to cast !!!