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Full Version: Anyone been Rocked since Monday?
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Anyone know what this weather is doing to the Rockport ice? Hoping to hit it Friday morning if it is still good, etc.

Haven't seen any posts since Monday.

Has nobody been up there this week?
[cool]Well on Monday when CBR and I were out there and caught about 100 fish each, the ice was great, but getting slick on top, so bring your ice cleats. It also was getting soft around the edges when I left at about 11:30, so I'd recommend taking a plank to get back off of it in the afternoon. The thickness of the ice is still about 6 or 7 inches however, so that part isn't a problem (yet), but the ice might be getting weak in a week or two or three. THere's not much time left at that lake, so you'd better get out there soon to enjoy it before it's unsafe!

As for me, last Monday was my last ice trip of the year. I'm ready to start chasing 'eyes, Bass, and in a month or two big cat's on my tube and later my boat!
[cool]All you have to do is go to the bottom of this page and click on the "2" icon which means going back one page, and you'll see my (and others) Rockport reports from this week. Doesn't require a whole lot of effort.[Tongue][Tongue] You know I'm just kiddin' about that last sentance, right?
[Tongue] I've read all those posts too. Just hoping someone has hit it the last couple of days. I noticed the temps are from 17-45 the last few days up there, but still worried about the edges a bit. I'll throw in a plank and zoom up in the a.m. and find out.

I went up there today to the marina with my wife for a couple of hours. It was her first time on the ice and she didn't like the creakin' and crackin' much. Caught 3 perch at about 11:30 then nothing else. Left at 1:00 and didn't have a problem getting off the ice.
Cool and thanks for the report. Any snow left up there for sliding the sled along, etc. Trying to decide where to go based on the lousy mud!

Thanks again for the report and welcome to the board!!

No snow in the immediate area. You will have to go higher in the mountains for sledding. If you want to stay away from the mud, go to the boat ramp to get out on the ice.
I must admit, in all the trips to Rockport I have never gone to the East side. Call me a westerner! Any suggestions which direction to go once off the ramp, etc? How far off the ramp in general to say 30-40ft?

Thanks in advance

[cool]Right on, man. Good luck up there! I hope you get a big mess of Perch, and a few Troutski's too! I grilled up my Trout yesterday using TubeDude's recipe, and it was delicious. Got the Perch meat in the freezer and I'm gonna make up his "Pigout Perch Chouder" on Sunday and can't wait for that.
Fishin4fish, sorry I didn't see your post in time to respond before you went up. How did you do today? I will be there for one last trip in the morning. I hope to find some more Browns. I will be on channel 12-0. We will be fishing South of the ramp in about 25' of water to start. DKS.

Which side are you going to be in, east or west? I am trying really hard to get up there also, possibly the last ice trip to Rockport for me. Anybody else going up tomorrow?

We will be on the East side and South of the ramp. We have found plenty of perch there, and the best trout fishing that I have had at the Rock this year.
I'll be up there tomorrow also. I'm taking my son, brother, and a friend. We are going to be on the west side. I'll have my radio on also.

See ya there.
We ended up hitting the 1st outhouse. By the time we got up there, the 2nd outhouse was jammed packed. Hardly room left for anyone. 1st outhouse was empty. Edges are getting bad fast, but we found a good spot. You might have to hunt for one or take a plank from here on out. Overall the ice was still in good shape and clear.

Fishing wasn't great, but we finally found them in 48 ft of water. We ended up with 20+ perch and a bunch of trout. We spent alot of time chasing trout. Was thinking of moving in and finish off our perch limits, but decided to leave around 11'ish to make the wife happy. Fun last trip for me to the Port. Probably not alot of weeks left up there anyway.

Be careful along the edges!! [unsure]
