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[size 3][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][center][font "Bookman Old Style"][size 3][#500028]3rd Anual Ultimate 16 Species Fishing Contest 2005[/#500028] [/size][/font][/center] [center][font "Bookman Old Style"][size 3][/size][/font][/center] [center][font "Bookman Old Style"][#ff0000][size 3]Official Resusts[/size][/#ff0000][/font][/center] [center][font "Bookman Old Style"][size 3][/size][/font][/center] [center]
[font "Bookman Old Style"][size 3][#500028]DON'T LET THE NAME FOOL YOU!
[/size][/font][/center] [center][font "Bookman Old Style"][size 3]
[#ff0000]April 1st 2005 to December 31st 2005[/#ff0000][/size][/font][/center] [center][font "Bookman Old Style"][#ff0000][size 3][/size][/#ff0000][/font][/center] [left][#ff0000][font "Bookman Old Style"][size 3]Only members of may enter the contest. Any one can become a member for free by clicking on "[/size][url ""][size 3][Image: newuser.gif][/size][/url][size 3]" [#000000][/#000000][/size][/font][/#ff0000][/left] [center]

[font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3][/size][/#500028][/font][/center] [ol] [ol] [li][font "Bookman Old Style"][size 3][#500028]First and Second place FreshWater- Most combined pionts on total Freshwater fish caught per angler up to a maximum of 16 species. [/#500028][/size][/font] [li][font "Bookman Old Style"][size 3][#500028]First and Second place Salt Water- Most combined pionts on total Saltwater water fish caught per angler up to a maximum of 16 species. [/#500028][/size][/font] [li][font "Bookman Old Style"][size 3][#500028]Biggest Fish Caught - (measured by length, Can be fresh or saltwater)To enter reply to this post. [/#500028][/size][/font][/li] [li]
[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]Monthly Drawing[/#000000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#000000][/#000000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]Each member who enters a fish in the contest following the rules will be placed in a drawing for a red BigFishTackle fishing cap at the end of each month during this contest.[/#000000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#000000][/#000000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]Doesn’t matter what species or size. Any size or species can win. [/#000000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#000000][/#000000][/font][#000000]It doesn’t matter how many entries you enter in a given month you will receive only one chance to be drawn.[/#000000][/li][/ol][/ol]
[#000000]***** Each month requires a new entry to be eligable for that month.[/#000000]
[#000000][/#000000] [center][font "Bookman Old Style"][size 3][#500028]Reply to this post and Submit this information with your entries [/#500028][/size][/font][/center] [ul] [li][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]Fresh or Salt Water [/size][/#500028][/font] [li][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]Name of the species [/size][/#500028][/font] [li][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]Length (weight optional) [/size][/#500028][/font] [li][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]Date caught [/size][/#500028][/font] [li][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]City and state it was caught in [/size][/#500028][/font] [li][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]Optional: Link to Wall of Fame Extra Piont photo (see below for details)[/size][/#500028][/font][/li][/ul] [left][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]In the un-edited picture you need [/size][/#500028][/font][/left] [ol] [ol] [li][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]You must be in the picture with your fish [/size][/#500028][/font][/li] [ul] [li][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]if you are fishing alone and have difficulty taking pictures of yourself holding your fish and tape measure you may enter a double entry with you holding the fish then one with the tape measure tape measuring the fish. (Both pictures need to have the BigFishTackle Logo in the picture.[/size][/#500028][/font][/li] [li][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]You must be wearing a Bigfishtackle shirt, hat, jacket or have a BigFishTackle.Com logo of some kind (print outs are ok.) in the picture with your fish. [/size][/#500028][/font][/li] [li]you can down load a printable copy of the logo from the attachment below, Black and White prints are exceptable.[/li][/ul] [li][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]holding the tape next to the fish for measurment[/size][/#500028][/font][/li][/ol][/ol] [center]
[font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]Scoring

One point issued for each inch of lenth. Even a 1 inch fish will score in this event, so enter and enter often. We will take the score of your best of up to 16 species you enter. If you only enter three species of fish they will be scored the same and you don't have to have 16 species to enter (1 giant fish could win).

[#bf0000]Bonus point...[/#bf0000]

Earn an extra point by takeing an aditional picture of your fish with you and your bigfishtackle shirt with out the ruler and place it on the
[/size][/#500028][url ""][#500028][size 3]wall of fame[/size][/#500028][/url][#500028][size 3].
[/size][/#500028][/font][url ""][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3][/size][/#500028][/font][/url][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3] [/size][/#500028][/font][/center] [center][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3][/size][/#500028][/font][/center] [center][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3][/size][/#500028][/font][/center] [center][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]([#bf0000]Fw[/#bf0000]) = Fresh Water Division [/size][/#500028][/font][/center] [center][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]([#bf0000]SW[/#bf0000]) = Salt Water Division [/size][/#500028][/font][/center] [center][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]Fish in Red print are ineligable for the contest [/size][/#500028][/font][/center] [center][font "Bookman Old Style"]
[#500028][size 3][/size][/#500028][/font][/center] [center]
[font "Bookman Old Style"][size 3][#500028]Once again I am ineligable to win, however I will do my best to give you a run for your money [cool][/#500028] [/size][/font][/center] [center][font "Bookman Old Style"][size 3]
[/center][/size][/font] [center][font "Bookman Old Style"][size 3][cool] Good Luck and Safe Fishing [cool][/size][/font][/center][/#500028][/font][/size]
[center]Current Standing Of Contestants[/center] [center]subject to years end inspection of photos[/center] [center][/center] [center]Member[/center] [center]if you do not see your self entered in the contest by weeks end send me a pm, if you cant send me a pm then your problem is that you have not registered as a member and should take this time to do so. "its free"[/center] [center][url ""][Image: newuser.gif][/url][size 1] [/size]
[/center] [center][/center] [center]I am building profiles for this years contestants so send me a pm to enter. you will be able to enter later at any time, I am doing this to set up the contest in an orderly manner so it will be less confusing.[/center] [center]

[/center] [center]Biggest Fish 2005[/center] [center][/center] [center][url ";"][size 2][#000000]tubeN2[size 1] [/size][/#000000][/size][/url][/center] [center][size 1][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=10950;][/size][/center] [center][size 1]Spiny Dogfish
42 inches
Ventura CA
[/size][/center] [center][/center] [center][/center] [center]

[/center] [center]Final Ranking[/center] [center][#0000bf]Salt Water[/#0000bf][/center] [center][/center] [center][url ";"][font "Arial"][black]tubeN2[/black][/font][/url][font "Arial"][black] [/black][/font][/center] [center][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=8572;][/center] [center]Total = 474[/center] [center][/center] [center][url ";"][size 2][#333366]snook.hooker[size 1] [/size][/#333366][/size][/url][/center] [center][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=12508;][/center] [center]Total = 182[/center] [center][/center] [center][url ";"][font "Arial"][black]Hutch00[/black][/font][/url][/center] [center][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=8574;][/center] [center]Total = 49[/center] [center][/center] [center][url ";"][size 2][#000000]tomc[size 1] [/size][/#000000][/size][/url][/center] [center][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=11645;][/center] [center]Total = 57.5[/center]
[center]Final Ranking[/center] [center][#0000bf]Fresh Water[/#0000bf][/center] [left][/left] [center][url ";"][font "Arial"][black]chiefpanfish [/black][/font][/url][/center] [center][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=8599;][/center] [center]Total = 218.5[/center] [center][/center] [center][url ";"][font "Arial"][black]Lonehunter[/black][/font][/url][/center] [center][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=8600;][/center] [center]Total = 52.5 [/center] [center][url ";"][font "Arial"][black]Bassmaster-ND [/black][/font][/url][/center] [center][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=8598;][/center] [center]Total = 22[/center] [center][/center] [center][url ";"][font "Arial"][black]DrownedDesertRat [/black][/font][/url][/center] [center][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=8570;][/center] [center]Total = 18[/center] [center][/center] [center][url ";"][font "Arial"][black]davetclown[/black][/font][/url][/center] [center][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=8601;][/center] [center]Total = 67.5[/center]

[left][url ";"][font "Arial"][black]theangler[/black][/font][/url][/left] [left][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=8575;][/left] [center]Fresh Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][/li] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 0[/left] [center]Salt Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 0[/left] [left]

[/left] [left][url ";"][font "Arial"][black]tubeN2[/black][/font][/url][font "Arial"][black] [/black][/font][/left] [left][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=8572;][/left] [center]Fresh Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][/li] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 0[/left] [center]Salt Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][size 1][url ""]Spiny Dogfish[/url] 42 inches +1[/size][/li] [li][size 1][url ""]Shovelnose Sand Shark[/url] 41 inches +1[/size][/li] [li][size 1][url ""]White Sea Bass[/url] 38 inches +1[/size][/li] [li][size 1]Yellowtail 38 inches[/size][/li] [li][size 1][url ""]Bat Ray[/url] 36 inches +1[/size][/li] [li][size 1][url ""]Pacific Barracuda[/url] 34 inches +1[/size][/li] [li][size 1][url ""]Swell Shark[/url] 32 inches +1[/size][/li] [li][size 1][url ""]California Halibut[/url] 32 inches +1[/size][/li] [li][size 1][url ""]LingCod[/url] 30 inches +1[/size][/li] [li][size 1][url ""]Bocaccio[/url] 28 inches +1[/size][/li] [li][size 1][url ""]California Sheepshead[/url] 22 inches +1[/size][/li] [li][size 1]Blue Rockfish 21inches [/size][/li] [li][size 1]Starryeye Rockfish 18 inches[/size][/li] [li][size 1]Sole 18 inches[/size][/li] [li][size 1]Bonito 17 inches [/size][/li] [li][size 1][url ""]Jacksmelt[/url] 16 inches +1[/size][/li][/ol]

[left]Total = 474[/left] [left]

[/left] [left][url ";"][font "Arial"][black]Hutch00[/black][/font][/url][/left] [left][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=8574;][/left] [center]Fresh Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][/li] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 0[/left] [center]Salt Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][size 1][url ""]Fluke[/url] 19 inches +1[/size][/li] [li][size 1]Bluefish 28 inches +1[/size][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 49[/left] [left]

[/left] [left][url ";"][font "Arial"][black]byrumjr[/black][/font][/url][/left] [left][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=8597;][/left] [center]Fresh Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][/li] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 0[/left] [center]Salt Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 0[/left] [left]

[/left] [left][url ";"][font "Arial"][black]chiefpanfish [/black][/font][/url][/left] [left][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=8599;][/left] [center]Fresh Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][size 1]Striped Bass 35 inches[/size][/li] [li][size 1]Blue Cat Fish 28[/size][/li] [li][size 1]Northern Pike 25.5[/size][/li] [li][size 1]walleye 25.5[/size][/li] [li][size 1]American Shad 21 inches[/size][/li] [li][size 1]Cat Fish Length 16 inches[/size][/li] [li][size 1]Largemouth Bass 14.5[/size][/li] [li][size 1]Perch 12[/size][/li] [li][size 1]Herring 11 inches [/size][/li] [li][size 1]Crappie 10.5 inches[/size][/li] [li][size 1]Blue gill 9.5[/size][/li] [li][size 1]White Perch 9 inches[/size][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 218.5[/left] [center]Salt Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 0[/left] [left]

[/left] [left][url ";"][font "Arial"][black]DrownedDesertRat [/black][/font][/url][/left] [left][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=8570;][/left] [center]Fresh Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][size 1]Largemouth Bass 18 inches[/size][/li] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 18[/left] [center]Salt Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 0[/left] [left]

[/left] [left][url ";"][font "Arial"][black]FisherMOM[/black][/font][/url][/left] [left][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=8571;][/left] [center]Fresh Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][/li] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 0[/left] [center]Salt Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 0[/left] [left]

[/left] [left][url ";"][font "Arial"][black]Lonehunter[/black][/font][/url][/left] [left][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=8600;][/left] [center]Fresh Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][size 1]walleye 15.5 inches[/size][/li] [li]Alaskan King Salmon 37 inches[/li][/ol] [left]Total = 52.5 [/left] [center]Salt Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 0[/left] [left]

[/left] [left][url ";"][font "Arial"][black]Bassmaster-ND [/black][/font][/url][/left] [left][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=8598;][/left] [center]Fresh Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][size 1][url ""]northern pike[/url] 21" inch +1 [/size][/li] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 22[/left] [center]Salt Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 0[/left] [left]
[left][url ";"][font "Arial"][black]davetclown[/black][/font][/url][/left] [left][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=8601;][/left] [center]Fresh Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][size 1]Largemouth Bass 19 inches[/size][/li] [li][size 1]Rainbow Minnow 8 inches [/size][/li] [li][size 1]Chub Minnow 9 inches[/size][/li] [li][size 1]Blue Gill 10 inches +1[/size][/li] [li][size 1]Rock Bass 11 Inches[/size][/li] [li][size 1][url ""]Black Crappie[/url] 8.5 inches +1 [/size][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 67.5[/left] [center]Salt Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 0[/left] [left]
[left][url ";"][font "Arial"][black]thegame[/black][/font][/url][/left] [left][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=8801;][/left] [center]Fresh Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][/li] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 0[/left] [center]Salt Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 0[/left] [left]
[left][url ";"][font "Arial"][black]ssor[/black][/font][/url][/left] [left][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=8979;][/left] [center]Fresh Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][/li] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 0[/left] [center]Salt Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 0[/left] [left]
[left][url ";"][black]Coldfooter[/black][/url][/left] [left][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=8978;][/left] [center]Fresh Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][/li] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 0[/left] [center]Salt Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 0[/left] [left]
[left][#333366][size 1][url ";"][black][size 2]fish1on[/size][/black] [/url][/size][/#333366][/left] [left][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=9103;][/left] [center]Fresh Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][/li] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 0[/left] [center]Salt Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 0[/left] [left]
[left][#000000][size 1][url ";"][#000000]gdn443 [/#000000][/url][url ";"][/url][/size][/#000000][/left] [left][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=10492;][/left] [center]Fresh Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][size 1]Largemouth Bass 16 inches[/size][/li] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 16[/left] [center]Salt Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 0[/left] [left]
[left][url ";"][size 2][#000000]tomc[size 1] [/size][/#000000][/size][/url][/left] [left][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=11645;][/left] [center]Fresh Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][/li] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 0[/left] [center]Salt Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][size 1]fluke 23 in[/size][/li] [li][size 1]bluefish 20 inch[/size][/li] [li][size 1]porgie 14.5 inches[/size][/li] [li][size 1][/size][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 57.5[/left]
[left][/left] [left][url ";"][size 2][#333366]fishwriter[size 1] [/size][/#333366][/size][/url][/left] [left][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=11679;][/left] [center]Fresh Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][/li] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 0[/left] [center]Salt Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 0[/left] [left]
[left][url ";"][size 2][#333366]snook.hooker[size 1] [/size][/#333366][/size][/url][/left] [left][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=12508;][/left] [center]Fresh Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][/li] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 0[/left] [center]Salt Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][size 1]Snook 34 inch[/size][/li] [li][size 1]Black Drum; 32 inch[/size][/li] [li][size 1]Speckled (spotted) trout 21"[/size][/li] [li][size 1]Bluefish; 19 inch[/size][/li] [li][size 1]Redfish (Red Drum); 18.5 inch[/size][/li] [li][size 1]Crevalle Jack; 16 inch[/size][/li] [li][size 1]Flounder, 16 inch[/size][/li] [li][size 1]Sheepshead, 15-1/2 inch[/size][/li] [li][size 1]Mangrove Snapper, 11 inch[/size][/li][/ol]

[/left] [left]Total = 182[/left] [left]
[/left] [left][url ";"][size 2][#333366]barfuss[size 1] [/size][/#333366][/size][/url][/left] [left][/left] [center]Fresh Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][url ";postatt_id=10743;"]Northern Pike[/url] [/li] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 0[/left] [center]Salt Water Division[/center] [ol] [li][/li][/ol] [left]Total = 0
yeee haaaa , , i'm heading out this weekend !
I guess it's time to open this thing up.

Here are my first entries.
Saltwater Brown Starfish
12 inches
Santa Barbara CA
Wall of fame [url ""][/url]

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=9080;]
Saltwater Rock Crab 12 inches 4/08/05 Santa Barbara CA Wall of Fame [url ""][/url]

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id...ality=Full]
California Sheepshead (female)
13 inches
Catalina Islands CA
Wall of fame [url ""][/url]

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id...rch_engine]
Chucklehead Rockfish
Catalina Islands CA
wall of fame [url ""][/url]

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id...rch_engine]
Red Rockfish
Catalina Islands CA
wall of fame [url ""][/url]

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id...rch_engine]
28 inches
Catalina Island CA
wall of fame [url ""][/url]
[url ""][/url]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id...rch_engine]
[cool][cool] FW Glanders Pond East greenbush NY
Cat Fish
Length 16"
using jig head tipped with a worm under a pencil bobber
on 4/10/05

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=9089;]
Saltwater Calico Rockfish 10 inches 4/15/05 Ventura Pier CA

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=9213;]
Pacific Staghorn Sculpin
10 inches
Ventura Pier California
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=9214;]
Shovelnose Sand Shark
18 inches
Ventura Pier CA

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id...rch_engine]
Greenback Rockfish
13 inches
Channel Islands California

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=9216;]
Starryeye Rockfish
Channel Islands California

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id...rch_engine]
Went out yesterday water is still cold got a few short stripers and some small skates no camera so no pics but had to get the stripers back in the water to fast anyway not worth the risk of killing a short for a pic next week I'm goin out for flounder and stripers so maybe then I'll have some pics but I wish we had as many different species as you california guys have (Tuben2) I never seen so many different rockfish species YOU DA MAN
but our season is just begining to start so I'll be breathing down your neck soon (TRASH TALK) not goin to texas this year so you may be safe but you never know what may come out of the Atlantic
we have a late start this year because of the extended winter but LOOK OUT HERE I COME SOON
Good luck out there Archie.[Smile] As far as the contest goes, we are all out just to have fun.

Besides, It ain't over till the fat mermaid farts in the ocean.[Tongue]
Fat mermaids farting is that where all that LA Smog comes from LOL
this is a fun contest and I enjoy seeing the pics of all the different fish entered and being out on the water with good friends and enjoying the day is great the fish are just the bonus now to go practice up on my fish dance LOL
Boy I keep forgeting to take that extra pic oh well
Fresh water
Hudson river Troy NY
at around 1PM on Fri. the 22 of April 2005
21 inch American Shad
caught while jigging Herring
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=9274;]
Channel Islands Ca
[inline 3treefish12.JPG]
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