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Full Version: Free Lure Bag Giveaway
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Greetings to all anglers who visit our board. Want to win one of the best roll up lure bags on the market? Ok, here is what you need to do.


All posts & replies between November 1-31 go into the draw (once only). It does not matter if you start a post or help out your fellow anglers with replies. Either counts. At the end of the month all names go in to the hat and one name is drawn for this great lure bag, which according to many anglers is the best made and best priced they have seen for a long time.

They can be used for wide jigs, long CD 18 Rapala lures, fatties like Marauders (2 to a pocket) or big 14" skirt lures. 10 pockets in all, drain mesh, worm proof pockets & much more so read the full list of features below:

If you have questions then just drop me a reply here.


trying to get into the giveaway and i keep getting this page cannot be displayed. HELP PLEASE (


Thanks for the note Poppop. I have checked the link to the giveaway and it is workin fine. Refresh your browser page and try again.