The state legislative session is over and I wanted to give an update on the proposed DWR and state parks cutbacks.
The funding cuts for DWR ($210000) and State Parks ($299700) enforcement were not restored. Fortunately, for the DWR, they picked up a few budgetary crumbs from the legislature which will help partially offset the original cuts, so the total effect may not be as bad for them as originally thought. The same probably can't be said for State Parks, and they will likely lose up to 6 enforcement officers. (Please remember this, during the summer, when you are reading on this forum the innumerable complaints about the lack of boating enforcement at our favorite lakes.)
As for the State Park closures, I couldn't find any new information on this in my searches. It would appear this is still a concern. Decisions on this issue will likely come in April, so stay tuned. Just as a reminder, originally, 2 or 3 on this list of 10 State Parks were slated for closure.
1. Camp Floyd 2. East Canyon 3. Green River (Emery) 4. Huntington 5. Hyrum 6. Iron Mission 7. Otter Creek 8. Piute 9.Quail Creek 10. Starvation
If any members know any additional info on this, let me know.
Well now dose that mean we have to take our guns to keep off the water skers. I have had the skers cut between me an shore an pick up my line an get a 3/0 hook in them, last year count was 3 hooked, I think with this cut it will get worse this year.
I noticed that #10 on the list is Starvation... does that mean it will be closed to fishing? Or it will just be a lawless place without a C.O.?
I don't think that Starvation would be closed to fishing, but they would close the boat ramp. (unless a private vendor could be found that would take over operations, very iffy) Why are you worried about boating enforcement anyway? You'll be able to ring up a few more water skiers like last year at DC.[

Ha ha... how can I forget that D.C incident. I wouldn't mind a few trophy skiers mounted on the outer wall at Wallsburg bay's C.O. office for all potential waterskiers to take heed as they pay to enter...
Well, I'm just abit worried about people violating the limits at Starvation, not that it's a good thing to thin out the 'eyes, but the ethics we use to abide by the law helps us to be better fishermen but there are those who flount the law...[mad]
Seriously, I'm also worried about it. I think the public safety issues on our crowded lakes could be even worse than potential wildlife violations. Remember how guys were calling Pineview "Pinebox" last summer after all the boating and PWC accidents?
Just remenber they never do anything untill sume one gets dead...
An thats to bad.