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Full Version: Strawberry Report 3/8/05
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Fished Strawberry today from 7-10 AM. Must not have been too cold last night because the puddle of water by the dumpsters had not refrozen very solid and would break when you would walk on it. If it had been very cold it would have frozen solid. Anyway the ice is still in great shape with no slush and easy walking. You pretty much have to bottom out the handle on the hand auger to get to soft water but the fishing is worth it. We use the two man auger technique and it is much easier to punch several holes with two of you working the drill at the same time. Saw several snowmobiles and one wheeler on the ice at the marina. Fished with cyclonejack and another friend today. Between us we landed close to 50 fish (lost track after awhile). I do know that I landed 14 fish in a row on consecutive drops down the hole. We fished about 30-32 feet deep using foxee's, curly tails, paddlebugs, and finkeys tipped with both mealys and waxeys. The fishing was steady from 7-8:30 and then it was unreal from 8:30 - 10 and then it died completely. All fish were cutts in the slot with 2 or 3 fish over 20 inches but no real hogs. Only two other groups that I could see at the marina and a couple of groups on sleds heading toward Haws point. The wind blew all morning and not much sun filtering through the clouds. But the catching was excellent with this being my best trip of the ice fishing year. Even if the daytime temps stay warm we should have several more weeks of good ice fishing at the Berry! Then hopefully ice off will be better fishing this year than last year.
Thanks for the report,hope the no-slush conditions stay that way,planning to try to get up there Fri. with the sled.The last time up with Kent was great,one of my best days at the Berry!
[size 1]"I do know that I landed 14 fish in a row on consecutive drops down the hole." Wow -- I am impressed with a 100% hookup on 14 drops in a row. There have been times that I have gotten bites on 14 drops in a row, and sometimes on many more consecutive drops, but I have not mastered the ability to hook up on every one of them. If I hook 75% of them I am pleased. [/size]
Ya I know what you mean. 75% would usually be a steller percentage. It was hot and heavy for awhile. I did not connect on every hook set but never got to strike 3 before something was stretching my string. They were pretty agressive so even when I missed they came back for more. It seemed to help that I was sweetening the jig with some power bait brand trout scent. During the period between about 8:30-10:00 I could not re-bait fast enough and usually had hits within 15 seconds of getting to the bottom. Even watched several fish on the finder come off the bottom to intercept the jig about 5 feet off the bottom. It was super cool fishing for that hour and a half. Smiling just thinking about it. [Smile] Sent you a PM