I'm not expecting well kept secrets, but want to know the basics. I understand there are perch, crappie, bluegill, walleye, and channel cats in there. What are the fish populations like, and what are the basic techniques and places for each? (more particularly the panfish)
Thanks a million!
if its there try fishing below the spillway in the big pool in the river and for the panfish you might want to try just baitfishing with worms or minnows
I was there last year after they drained yuba and the water was high.I know for a fact that a lot of fish went down the river from yuba because me and the family took a day and just drove around looking for fish and we saw carp everywhere!So some walleyes and perchies might have went up the river also.
I was just looking at a Satalite photo of the reservoir taken in 2000 ([url "http://www.terraserver.com"]www.terraserver.com[/url]) and it looked like there was not a lot water left. Has it filled back up? and have the fish populations recovered?
In the 6 yrs I have lived here I have never fished it. It goes from a puddle to a lake several times a year it seems like. I have seen people catching carp at the damn and the river below the damn. Rumor has it white bass, perch and channel cats were numerous at one time. I know when they drained Yuba a lot of fish came down stream -----mostly carp though or thats what died in the ditches around Leamington. I would not expect to much more than some catfish out of the river above the lake. I think the massive water fluctuations kill it as a fishery.
Loren- I used to fish the area when I lived in Delta. DMAD reservoir doesn't have much structure in it. It is like a big bathtub. There are lots of carp but the other species are a hit and a miss to locate. I am sure they are there but I could never figure out how to locate and catch them. We did well fishing the channel cats in the holes in the Sevier river both above and below DMAD at night with chicken livers. There used to be great fishing for white bass in the "A" canal that comes out of the dam on the south end until the Orientals found out about it and caught and kept bucket fulls of white bass to take home for supper. I don't know if they have ever recuperated. Good Luck to you. Acey
Life is fishing...the rest is just details.