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Just wanted to share some photos from Lincoln Beach, Utah Lake and Mikecromaine and my fully loaded toons.

[Image: IMGP1166.sized.jpg]
[Image: IMGP1165.sized.jpg]
[Image: IMGP1170.sized.jpg]

I just love seeing floats that have been "tricked".

Now show me yours. Wink
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][#005000][size 4]Hey there CBR - was wondering how are you tying down your toon to the top of your car? Also if directly to the metal roof, isn't getting all scratched up by its movement in the wind? Thanks for the pixs.[/size][/#005000][/font]
[cool][#0000ff]Hey, I think I have seen those craft the service department of my garage.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Lookin' good, guys.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Here's my ride, as previously pictured in various posts. It is the Outcast Super Fat Cat. As you can see, it serves me well in all climates.[/#0000ff]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=8736;]

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=8737;]
Here is my current craft the Outcast Fish Cat 4. It is the little brother of the Fat Cat and Super Fat Cat.

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=5029;]

As you can see it comes equiped with an 7 1/4lb LMB (above) 8 1/2 lb below,

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=5030;]

And a 10 lb shown here.
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=5031;]

I use the horizontal rod rack, Bottom line Tourney 1000 fish finder, and auto-air stabilizer (inflator) with pressure differencial for use in cold water applications.


LMB are optional equipment and are only subject to availability.
Man those largemouth are HUGE!!! I can't even dream of those that size here in north dakota. The biggest I've caught out of a lake was 5 and 1/2lbs. I believe our state record is 8 lbs some ounces but that 10lber you got is a hawg!!! Did you mount that? Or are those sizes common where you fish?
[center][Tongue][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]Hey there Crappies - watch the language. This is a family show. LOL. Oh didyou mean on the wall?[/size][/green][/font][/center]
Hey Crappies. Thanks for the compliments on the LMB. I generally don't keep LMB. They are more like toys to me. C&R only on the LMB.

Those in the pics are typical from that lake that I caught them at. Most of the bass there are much bigger. My record for that lake is 18lbs 5oz.

The lake and state record is 21lb 10oz. Wall mounts are nice but then I wouldn't have room for the pics of my fish and the fish would never get any bigger either.[cool]
Yeah, that's good conservation practice. I normally don't keep largemouths either. That amazes me that you caught an 18+ lb largemouth. Do you have a pic of that one?
I didn't have my digital camera at that time but I did take it on a regular camera. I will look for the picture and scan it in.[cool]
man those waders make me look fat! oh no i sound like a woman does these waders make my butt look big?
Not my tubes, but some of the guys who fish tube club tournaments.

I figure the outboard is next. lol
I can't forget my float,lol [cool]

[cool][#0000ff]Nice craft, but I'll bet you would get a hernia kicking it around. I guess that's what that thingy on the back is for, huh?[/#0000ff]
Culmination of my Caddis PT Boat
[cool][#0000ff]Okay, looks like it will float...and it's got a seat...but the moths have eaten a lot of holes in the seat.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Thanks for sharing Jim. Where will you be fishing with it mostly?[/#0000ff]
Okay, what the heck is a auto-inflator, pressure differential thing amabob ???? sounds pretty complicated to me !!!!!
I decided to go with the Fish Cat 4. So far, it has proven to be one bass worthy fishing vessel.
[inline "Tube pic.jpg"]
It is kind of complicated but well worth the investment. I use it mostly for cold water fishing.

As we all know, cold water will cause a tube to shrink. In order to maintain propper pressure, my gizmo holds to within 1/2 lb of where ever I leave the set point on pressure.

As soon as the air pressure in the tube drops, the gizmo kicks on and re adjusts the inflation in less than 10 seconds. They are expensive to make but handy to have in cold water tubing situations.[cool]
That's a nice set up bro. I see that we are going to have to tube some salt together soon. I have one other Salt tubing partner too. Where do you tube at most often in the Salt?

We go a lot to Cherry Beach in Long Beach but I have tubed alot of the coast line from there all the way up to Goleta.[cool]
...does it also compensate for a tube that has lost air?

MacFly [cool]