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I know its still early but outfortrout brought it up on another thred!Is there going to be a crawdad get together this year? Was there a crawdad party last year i dont remember if there was.Dougie usually has one every summer so why doesnt the BFT have one this year.Just a suggestion .My kids loved catching those crawdads last year and want to do them again![sly]
[cool]Maybe we could organize one this year. I don't remember why I couldn't go to the one last year, but we could maybe get one together this summer sometime. The cool thing about crawdading is that you can also shore fish with bait while you are in between checking your traps, etc.

Mike, sorry I couldn't make the one last year, dude.
I'd be up for a crawdad party. If we're going to have one I would like it at Strawberry. It has tons of dadds and is not that far away. I like the Aspen grove camp ground, unless you want a group site. Then I would say Soldier creek. Those rocks and jetty have got to be dadd heaven.

We stayed at Aspen last year and filled to many 5 gallon buckets. It was a pain in the neck to clean them all. But if you do it count me in.
I'm definitely in for a daddin party! My wife and I caught a ton of them (that's almost literal) at Scofield last year. I have a great recipe for crawdad boil, makes 'em rich, spicy and delicious!
I think location had to do with people not showing .The berry has gazillions of crawdads.We fished last year while the traps were out and the kids loved catching them.And they were so easy to catch they kept the kids entertained all day while the adults fished.I think we should have a get together at the berry for a crawdadd boil this year.
Yes teh berry has dads but so does jordanelle. The berry only has cutts and bows, jordanelle has browns bows perch and smallies. see my point more types of fishies to go after. But if we do the berry i will think about.
Mike, There's an aboundance of crawdads at Jordanelle? I haven't seen one yet, but then I haven't been looking. Wow ya just gave me some new bait to use thanks.
yes jordanelle has dads so does deer creek so does rockport and echo east canton many of the lakes in this state have them even current creek
I don't want to disagree but their have been no crawdads in Jordanelle, I have helped with the DWR on trying to find them in Jordanelle and have not as of last year. If you have (YOURSELF) seen any were an when and what part of the lake? They were in the river but have not been seen in the lake.
Hey Bassrods, I haven't ever seen a dad in Jordanelle. I have seen them at Deer Creek but they be tiny lil buggers.
I have read reports about guys catching those baby crawdads at Deer Creek and removing their claws and fishing with them weightless for the smallmouth bass. The guy who wrote the reports said they worked great. I bet one could do the same at Strawberry for the cutts -- I know the cutts eat plenty of them up there.
FB2 and I tried that 2 seasons ago. We baited one line with the crawdads and the other with minows. The minows won out head over heels. Course they weren't weightless and were suspended below a bobber.

Will have to try that again this spring.
always looking for new ways to fish the Berry Thanks Kent.
I used to use small dads at pineview for smalies they knocked it dead the secret is to use dads no longer the 2 1/2 inches 2 inch ones are like crack
I'd love to go crawdad eating - I mean, hunting - I mean, feasting. OK, all of the above. My kids and I go to Strawberry at least once a year crawdaddy fishing. It would be fun to do it with a group.
There is only one thing rong with useing crawdads for bate an that is the fish take the bate down to deap an when they try to relase the fish they kill the fish.
Boy I agree with you bassrods. With all the waters that have size restrictions on bass, how do you avoid killing an illegal bass bait fishing? How many folks cut the line and if they do what is the survival rate? This has bothered me for some time.[unsure]
[cool]Hey, I'm all for getting an event together say sometime in June or July or so over on the Soldier Creek side. I'm not an expert chef at cooking those things yet, nor do I have any humongous pots or gas grill things. I do know however, that there was a great recipe on Doug Miller's site last summer that involved potatoes onions and corn on the cob in the pot, etc., and it looked mighty tasty. It also involved Zatarains crab boil, or whatever it's called. I've only eaten 'dads at my in laws with just the tails boiled in Zatarains, and then dunked in butter and garlic salt, and that way alone was mighty tasty. I'm gonna get some traps this spring or summer and can't wait to get after 'em at the berry. Cabela's has 'em pretty cheap, like $6 or $7 if I remember right.
If you cut the line of at the lips bass will do very well as long as you don't rip the guts out for a 2 cent hook. But to be safe don't use bate.