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Check out the blue on this cutthroat.
[center][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=8774;][/center]

Some folks refer to these blue backed beauties from Bear Lake as "bluenose trout".
I've caught a few of those but I wonder why they all aren't that color? Do you think it might be the location where they spend their time, near the surface or near the bottom? WH2
[green][size 2]Planter's backs are color by the hatcheries so they can tell the year class.

WH2 - I don't know why some are and some aren't. I've read that the lime in the water has something to do with it.

Here's a closer look.
[center][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=8786;][/center]

Regardless of how this fish gets its blue coloring, it si a really good looking fish, I would like one like that only a bit bigger mounted on my wall.
Wow beautiful fish kinda reminds me of the dolphin i used to catch in miami.
[Wink]That is a beautiful fish, just need about a 10 pounder and he'd make a darn good decoration on my wall. Thanks for the picture RipNLips.[Smile]
I jsut thought of something, isnt the planters painted with an ultra-violet light, one that glows onder black lights, but the fish remains natural looking?
That is One Pretty Fish!, Thanks for sharing.
I wonder if it would be adaptive for them to be that color if birds of prey were main predators. That is the same color I remember when first seeing Bear Lake as you come over the mountains! It's been a long time since I've seen that color.

Whatever the reason, they are cool lookin' fish!
That's it... I need to get over my fears and launch this weekend off cisco. That is a beautiful fish my friend.

Drop me a pm some time. I speak to your kin from time to time at Sweetwater. Maybe some time we could all hook up and do a fishing/barbeque get together.
that's an awesome looking fish,i think it would have to mounted 10 pounds or not![Wink]