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[font "arial, helvetica, sans-serif"][#00e010]DNR Fisheries Division Releases Management Updates for Waters in Southwest Michigan [/#00e010][/font]
[font "arial, helvetica, sans-serif"][#00e010]Contact: [/#00e010][/font] [font "arial, helvetica, sans-serif"][black]Jay Wesley 269-685-6851[/black][/font]
[font "arial, helvetica, sans-serif"][#00e010]Agency:[/#00e010][/font] [font "arial, helvetica, sans-serif"][black]Natural Resources[/black][/font]

[font "arial, helvetica, sans-serif"][black]March 8, 2005
The Southern Lake Michigan Management Unit recently released a list of fishery management changes and activities for the upcoming angling season. These changes and activities include fish stocking, habitat rehabilitation projects, creel census, research studies and fish community surveys.
"These management updates have been released as a means to notify anglers and the public of changes in management and to let lake and stream property owners be aware of our survey activities," said Jay Wesley, Southern Lake Michigan Unit Manager. "We also value public input regarding our management changes and encourage anglers to report on current management activities." The Southern Lake Michigan Management Unit covers the Grand, Kalamazoo, St. Joseph and Galien river watersheds and all the lakes and streams within that area. Each year, fisheries biologists evaluate management options on various water bodies in order to achieve increased fishery benefits.
[url ""]Click here to see a list by county [/url]of management actions that have occurred over the past year and a list of waters that the DNR intends to survey in 2005.
For more information, contact Jay Wesley at (269) 685-6851 or the DNR Operations Service Center located at 621 N. 10th St. in Plainwell.