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Full Version: caught a taged lake trout at FG last weekend.
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We fished hard all weekend caught fish every were we fished. but the cool thing of the hole weekend beside's the small 37lber and a few more in the 28-30+lb range.was a lake trout that only weighed 24lb and was 39" 3/4".the fish was taged in anvil in 1988and it was 33.3" and around 11lbs how cool is that I have caught nudreed's of lake trout and this is the first taged fish I have got since I was about12 the game and fish was very happy to see a tag from a fish we let the fish swim after takeing out the tag and geting a pic or two usualyy would'nt waste the film on some think that small but it was cool so to all you lake trout boy's and lake trout hater's thay take a long time to get to be monster's so think about it before you kill them to stick in the frezzer to show off to your buddy's.Oh YA A LITTLE HEAD'S UP THE WYO GAME AND FISH ARE PLANING ON CUTING BACK THE KOKE LIMIT'S TO 2 FISH AND 8LAKE TROUT WITH ONE OVER 28"and all salmon will be realeased asap after sep10 and I would guess this would start next yr glade to see some thing may help out the food chain make more koke's for bigger mack....know we just have to grill a ton of smalley's. sorry dont have eny report's but I had my ACL replaced on the 8th so it will be a week or two till the crestliner is buzzing allover again cant wait to get a rod in my hand's hopefully I will have a report next week.blow wind blow it's time to fish from the boat.LOL
Hey Fishley!,
Good to see You made it through surgery ok!, I've been wondering how Your doing. Thanks for the report, Way Cool on the tagged fishy! Now get Yourself Healed! LOL I'm ready for that trip on the boat![Smile]
Hey my friend thanks for the report on the tagged fish and possible new Koke limit, pretty interesting.
Yeah those goodin's take awhile to reach goodin's size and most people probably dont realize how long it actually takes.

I have NO problem with the possible new Koke limit. Yep leave the Koke for da doo's. Besides, they taste like crap anyway , HAR! HAR![Wink].
Good ta see your up and about a little..
Glad to here the surgery went o.k. from the sound of thing's I need to come up and put your crippled butt in my boat so you don't have to worry about launching and all you have to do is hold the pole. Hopefully we'll be fishing soon take care and call me any time
Thanks for the report and the information.

Thanks also for pointing out to folks how long it takes to reach trophy size. I myself kept my first over 15lbs. that I caught at Fish Lake. I wish I had taken a few pics and dropped it back in. At that size, they don't eat very well, and since at the time, I could guess the fish to be older than me, it deserved to be released.

Now I fish Flaming Gorge hoping to get a picture of a monster, and take a few of the 2-5lb lakers home to eat. Their numbers are up and the feed is down. Both Wyoming and Utah are asking that anglers keep a limit of the smaller ones to eat so the larger ones can prosper.
I would like to see the Utah an the WYO boys put sum kind of food in the lake to help all the fish to grow the chubs did a good job for a wile.