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someone once told me that if you figure out how to catch the white bass on utah lake, you will never leave that lake skunked again. i was also told that the white bass dominate that lake. i spend most my time on utah lake cat fishin and occasionaly hunting the walleyes, but would love to add white bass to my list. i usually fish from 19' bayliner. does anybody know how to consistantly catch these little guys? what should i be offering them and where can i find 'em? is any time of year better than the other? tips from an experienced white bass angler would be helpfull.
peace out and keep on fishin
Whoever told you that is either wrong or lying. Either way, it doesn't matter how much you know about white bass and how to catch them, you'll still get skunked once in awhile. White bass are a schooling fish - where you find one you usually will find a bunch more of similar size (they school up based on sizes usually). It definitely helps to know about them, but it's no guarantee. They spawn in late May through early June in most of the tributaries as well as places like Lincoln Beach or along rocky dikes sometimes. A good place is the Provo River upstream from the lake approx. 1/2 mile to a mile.

During the rest of the year, ya just gotta find them, and (in warmer months) if you can find them you can catch them on just about anything, including bait such as worms or cut bait (carp or white bass meat), small spinners (like mepps or blue fox), curly tail jigs, etc.

Lincoln Beach is always a good place to try, as are any of the marinas, the bubble-up and a couple other places around the lake.

Tubedude will have more info. for you then you can handle, so you might wanna pm him about it.
one of the best ways i have found to catch the whitebass in UTlake from a boat is to troll jigs or small bucktail spinners.. tell i find a shcool of them stop and cast to them.. then try and stay on the school as long as you can.. if your on a school you well catch a fish every cast.. so if you stop catching the bass try moveing to 1 side or the other tell you find them again.. once lost just start trolling tell you find them again..
The white bass at Utah lake are like any other fish in that if you are where they aint then nothing is going to catch them. It's a big lake. With that said when you do find them watch out. Bright colored jigs have always worked best for me. I've found one color may catch more one day but everyone in the group catches fish when you find them. They are fun and exciting to catch. So much fun that I even had my Grandfather catching them with me once as a kid at the bubble up. He loved to fish but was out of state and didn't have a license. After a hour of watching me pull in fish he finally broke down and grabbed my brothers pole to catch fish for what turned out to be a great afternoon. Grandma rode his case for a week about setting a bad example of fishing without a license but it was worth it he said. He talked about that day at the lake and all those fish we caught to anyone who would listen until he passed away. So when you find them enjoy it because it doesn't get any better then that.

Yo, Guys,

I've heard & read about the bubble up on Utah Lake. Where is it exactly? I really like to fish that pond. I have pretty good luck with the cats & walleye but haven't been able to get into the whites. Used to catch a lot of them from Belle Fourche res. in South Dakota & like the fight and the way they work out on the dinner table too.

Thanx for any guidance you can give me.

The bubble up is just 1/4 mile south of the Lindon boat harbor if you know where that is. You exit the freeway on the Orem 1600 North exit I believe it is, and head west.