I went out last night after all the rain to willow... Or so I thought. I wound up getting rained on for about half an hour with a pretty steady down pour before the sun finally came out. I changed positions to the northeastern most point. I immediatly hooked up with a decent little rainbow with a silver panther martin. After that I hooked up with three more before they decided to quit biting that. So I went back to worm and mellow. OH BABY! Them trout were killin it! I caugt 16 of them, and missed atleast that many. Man o man I want to get back out there! There are still a few decent sized fish in there, too. Just after sun down a guy up the bank from me caught a brown that went about 20" long. That was a nice looking fish. I need to just find some spoons they like.
Where is willow pond if I may ask?Is it in the SLC area? PEACE!!!
Its out in murray. I'm not sure on the exact directions, though. Sorry. I just have it programed in my mind on how to get there.
I think its like 54th south(by the redwood walmart) east to the first road. Then you go right on that road to the first left you can make. You go east on that road over the jordan river then make another right. Its right in that park there.
I beleive that's in on the border of Taylorsville and Murray. Can't remember the street, but it's off I-215 and redwood road, you stay on the right lane and keep turning right at the first light and then go down and make a right and you drive past a red brick building (Deaf and Hard of hearing center) you curve around that road and you are straight down and you will see a body of water there.
I was only curious cuz I am way up in Ogden area and will probly never get out that way to fish it anyways.Thats so cool that there are still fishable little ponds around that dont get beat up by other fisherman! PEACE!!!
Oh this pond gets plenty beat up. They keep it well stocked. I have never been there when there hasn't been a few to a bunch of people hitting it. It can be a fun place to fish and to take the kids. Lots of variety of fish too.
Willow Pond is located in Murray, North of I 215 and west of 700 West. The easiest way if you do not know the area is to get on 6200 South which is Westminister (the street that runs south of the Fashion Place Mall) and go west. You'll pass over the UTA Trax tracks and under I 15. The next light that you come to I believe is 700 West. Keep going west from there, then just past the golf course and before you come to the Jordan River there is a road that turns North. This will take you past the golf course and over an overpass for the freeway. The pond and park are just off to the right, you'll see it from the overpass. Happy fishing! [

Sounds like fun. I should take my grandson there and introduce him to fishing. I keep forgeting it is so close. I hear they put some whoppers in there sometimes.