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Full Version: Strawberry Reservoir 03/20/05
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Polokid and I met at 4:30 AM to head up to Strawberry for one last ice fishing trip. The drive up was white out conditions and visibility was practicly nothing since it was snowing. We continued because we were determined to have one last ice excursion at the berry.

We arrived at 6 AM and geared up and saw a couple tents already on the ice. We wanted to fish away from everyone so we hiked for 45 minutes out to Haws Point. We hiked and hiked til exhaustion since there was about 4-6 inches of fresh snow on the ice it made it a bit more work to get out there. But it was worth it!

We found 30 feet of water and started marking fish on the bottom immediately. We setup our rods and dropped them down, wasn't more than a couple minutes and Rob and I had landed our first cutts. It was like clockwork until we left at 1 PM with some slow periods inbetween quick fishing. Together we ice well over 50 cutts between the two of us all in the slot between 17-21 inches.

Great day at the berry.
Glad to see they are still in a biting mood! I was going to go up today, but my friends dogged out on me. Oh well. I'll try to get one more trip in for the year.
I had a blast, the hike was exhausting all the way to haws, but well worth it. If you think the ice is shrinking at strawberry thing again, my gas auger will drill a 40 inches into the ice before hitting the motor and when punching through there was 8 inches to go. Plenty of ice at 32 inches. We marked fish all day, never moved. The W was in full effect though. One of the best ice days i have had!!! fished with mealies with Genz worms. I had the best luck on a jig that BLM's coworker used the last time I went up the. glow head, white body with chartruese marabou tail tipped with mealie.
go kentucky!!!!! [Wink]
[cool]Agreed, casthookreel. Go Cougs, er uh...Go Kentucky! J/k, Rob.

Hey, Sounds like an awesome last ice excursion for you two. Glad you got into 'em. I can't wait to float it in my tube in Jakes Bay before the weeds get too high in there. Should be a nice year of fishin' on the 'berry. Those biologists are getting it right with the new slot limits.
[Smile]I guess if that is your thing???[cool]