Fishing Forum

Full Version: Otter Creek & Piute question
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In about two weeks now a bunch of my family is going down south on a fishing trip. Most of us will be good getting out stream fishing on the various rivers down there. But my cousin and girlfriend are both going with us. Neither of them are very experienced with streams. Plus my little cousin is still WAY too small to be walking around in rocks and stuff like that.
My uncle and I were wondering if either otter creek or piute had any trout left in them after last year. Also, if there are any, what are they biting? Thanks in advance.
otter creek didnt go completly dry so there are some of the bigger trout in there still. They planted fish in both otter creek adn piute last fall, for now both have water in them, so there are fish in each.

Use your standard trout lures, worms, power bait, small sinners and such