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Full Version: Where can I catch some crappie?
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Does anyone know where I can get some crappie (size is not important -- in fact the smaller ones would be just fine)? I prefer areas closer to the SLC area, but I am willing to drive a ways for them, and I also have a boat.

Pineview has them, Willard's got a few, I think either Newton or Hyrum may have them. But I don't think they are big slabs though.
Hey Kent,

I have always done good for crappie at pine view even when everyone else said it sucked. there are alot of spots that you just have to know where to find them. If the water gets high this year it will be a great year. I cant remember who it was but someone on here was talking about the cycle of pineview and it does have one. Also if I am right this will be the begining of the 3 year + cycle on top of the good water it will be a killer year. I think willard will put out good number to this year. also utah lake has them I only know of one good spot there just cause I havent dont much exploring for there..I also have one other spot but I will share that in a pm.

When the water and temps get going look me up I would love to hit pineview with ya.
I too would like to get into the crappie. I haven't hooked one but I did manage to run down one with my trolling motor in the lindon marina on my pontoon last week.

Was a great sized crappie too.
Utah lake has a good Crappie population,Cutler marshes,Holmes creek pond(bigger Crappie,Harder to catch),Pond on the way to tooele.
Thanks for the replies.
Kent, if Pineview gets back to normal, you will be able to get that limit using a chartreuse curly tail grub on a pink jig head. Just place it about 6' to 8' below a bobber and after your cast, bring it back in very, very slowly. Don't make a wake with the bobber just a slow retrieve and watch for the bobber to go under. I have had 100 fish days at Pineview in May and June. Fish on the East side in the brushy areas. I can't wait to get up there!
You have me wounding why is it so important that you get 50 fish no mater what size', And if the lakes do not have a good population why take out all the sponners, let the lake come back before you start keeping them. now that we are going to have more water for them.
Hi Kent-
I've had some great luck at Pineview as well. The east side has been a good place for me. As you take the road around to the east side, there is a place in the road where it splits. One goes north and the other follows the bank of the resevoir. Right where the road splits there is a place to pull off and park on the left side of the road. There is a fence and a place where you can go through the fence right there. Follow the trail down to the water. If the water is up enough the brush will be flooded. Take your waders and wade out as far as you can. Use the method DKStroutfitter mentioned. Cast straight out as far as you can. There is a ridge out there which provides some structure. It can be pretty good. It should pick up in a month or 6 weeks. Good luck!

I haven't heard of anyone actually catching one yet (besides the DWR), but Jordanelle now has crappie in it. My guess would be that in a couple of years you won't have to go far at all from SLC to catch some big slabs. I know that this doesn't help you in the here and now...but it is something to look forward to.
It looks like alot of people are looking forward to a good crappie year at pineview. The population at pineview has dropped dramatically the last several years. The water levels were kept at low levels so the dam could be reinforced. The fish have not had a good spawnimg year for at least 4 maybe 5 years. There aren't very many left to catch. Hopefully they will have a good year this year and in a couple of years it will return to one of the best places to catch crappie in this state. This year will be a poor year at pineview. Before this cold weather they were catching some nice crappie at willard. I haven't heard if the weather shut them down. I think willard would be the best right now. I enjoyed your presentation on sturgeon fishing at the ISE last thursday. Gshorthair
[size 1]"I enjoyed your presentation on sturgeon fishing at the ISE last thursday."[/size]

Thanks, I appreciate it. Only problem with doing that presentation is that it has got me psyched (doesn't take much) to go after them again. Already working on my spring plans.
Hay shrimpboy when did they put crappie in Jordanelle I haven't heard that before.
"They" doesn't refer to anyone that had authority to do it. The bucket bios did it. It has been well over a year since I read it, but if I remember right it came from someone quoting T. Pettengill.
I found a post from last July where a BFTer caught a crappie in Jordanelle....lets see if I can get this link to work.

[url ";search_string=Crappie%20Jordanelle%20bucket;#146442"];search_string=Crappie%20Jordanelle%20bucket;#146442[/url]
I have also heard that bucket biology has put Crappie in East Canyon too.
crappie in the nelle man that place is the bucket bio's heaven. what's next mac's
just take a trip to BROWNLEE DAM in ID.. take 5 coolers with you and you will bring them all back filled with big fat crappies. theres no limit and you will also have the chance so slam down some big smallies!!
[cool]Cool! That sounds like a fun trip. What town is Brownlee by, Preston, Burley, where?
If I 'm not mistaken Brownlee reservoir is north of Boise about 1/2 hour or so. Long haul for us Wasatch Valley folks.