Howdy ! I'm new to the board - but, not really new to fishing.
I have my own tackle, got a tube, got a 'toon, got a tiny tin tub of a trawler for trolling and a truck that will take me and my toys just about anywhere.
Like many posters on this board, I enjoy all kinds of fishing. However, to be honest, I don't think I'm really good enough at any one kind of fishing to claim any real expertise - it's all good to me.
Not to drag my first post out too long, I'll cut to the quick here - my ulterior motive - as-i-t'were. I hoping to hook up with other fishing folks and maybe tag along on a trip or two. I'm also shamelessly hoping that this old dog can learn some new tricks from you folks that have more experience or knowledge in having the greatest amount of fun allowable by law - fishing.
(note to self

Hmmm - maybe, that last confession of having no special expertise could be considered a counter-productive resume item in an audition for an empty spot on a fishing trip or for attempting to enlist some innocent bystander to accompany me and my hounds to some tiny trickle of water tucked in the trees or to a puddle of mud in the middle of nowhere. I'll probably need to work on presentation skills some more.
Glad to have U onboard bloodhound, just like U I am also new to bft. I fish for the fun of it and I dont have any technical advice to give U. But I will say If U are in need of advice this is the place.
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]I’ve been on the board since about Jan and have met a few folks face to face. Haven’t done any fishing with them yet though. My free time is somewhat limited but I’d like to spend some time on the water with some new friends too. I do however enjoy reading and chatting on the boards. I’ve gotten a lot of excellent info here and will continue to do so in the future. So welcome aboard and best of luck.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Welcome aboard, Bloodhound! Where's your home base?[/size][/black][/font]
There are some of us that are getting together for the spring trip to lake powell you can hookup, it is the 4 - 9 and if you don't have a boat hook up with one of us that does. for more ifo go to
Welcome to BFT. There are frequent invites to tag along on fishing trips posted on here, so check back often. If you get a chance to fish with me, you may want to jump on the opportunity, because lately I have been an extremely gracious host and allowed nearly everyone to outfish me!
Well, Thank you all for those kind words of welcome. I have been reading the board for a few months now and have already learned quite a few new things to put in my "tackle box and fish'em".
As I read about some of the experiences of people on the board, I realized that I happened to be just at the spot they were refering to right at that time - If I had known, I would have said "howdy" ! Since I do spend quite some time "out there", and, there is a good chance it will be at the same time that some of the folks here are "out there", Maybe next time, we can say "howdy" and share a beverage or something and revel in the fact that we are fishing - instead of some unpleasant four letter word that most of us are plagued with.
B.L.Mack - I hail from Sout Salt Lake/Sugarhouse area - my home range and territory currently encompasses and has included almost all waters in Utah, Lot's in Idaho, some in Arizona, Montana, Nevada and Wyoming(my favorites tend to be in the middle of nowhere - but I'm easy !). My hounds have also been to many of those places - with the exception of accompaning me on my watercraft or of going to some of the largely populated or heavily used areas. I really haven't found too many people in the outdoors that have been too terribly offended that my hounds showed up "out there" - I can't however, vouch for how people might have felt about me being the company that the dogs were keeping when they did show up.
Welcome to the board. You should have no problem linking up with people out on the lake or stream. People from the board often use ch 12 on the little two way radios to meet or share info on a lake. Have talked with several people at Scofield this year on the ice. Quick way to find out how others are doing and is there something that is working better then what your doing already. Can't wait to get back out and have something to share instead of always asking questions. If you have any questions this is the place to ask though. People have always been friendly and helpful.
Welcome to the board Bloodhound, we look forward to your post. WH2
Welcome Bloodhound!
I joined the forum back in January and it has not only been a lot of fun, but very helpful. People are suprisingly willing to share their secrets, offer advice, etc. I'm also planning on buying my first boat in the next little while and I've received a TON of help from fellow BFTers. In fact, I think I've decide on one and GEEZER, an excellent boat mechanic and overall good guy is going to go well out of his way to give it a full inspection for me before I buy it. That kind of help is invaluable.
Let me know if you ever want to tag along on a trip. I live in Heber, so fishing opportunities are close by and as frequent as possible. I'm certainly not the expert that many on this board are, but the fishing Gods seem to

on me quite frequently and when I've had some luck I'm always glad to share my locations,bait,techniques, etc.