Does any one have any idea what would make an I/O pull to one side? I'm guessing its a dung prop, but is there anything else that may cause this?
I had that on my Merc outboard,I had broken my "trim tab" on the lower unit and replaced it,had to adjust it to get the boat to steer straight.I think trim tab is the wrong name for this part,its the anode.Props should not make it pull
I had a 19 foot blue water with a v8, it did the same thing. I was told that it was due to engine torque. It got worse when we trailered it with the outdrive not all the way up. It bent the skag, and cost me about 400.00 to repair. good luck!
Also, I've had boats that were real sensitive to being loaded evenly.
Hey thanks Fishcrazy thats a real good starting place I'll check it the morning.
Garbageman I didn't want to hear it might be a 400 repair LOL, I wanted it to be something nice and easy! But thanks I will check that out also. As far as loading Its always fairly blanced unless I move to one side or the other.
Like fish crazy said, check this part first it needs to be adjusted to off set the torque of the motor, for a small part it's touchy
that part is called an anode You need anodes on your engine because when two different metals are in contact, electrons will flow from the more negatively charged metal (anode) to the more positive metal (cathode). If you want to protect both types of metal from corrosion, you must add a third metal such as zinc, although magnesium and aluminum are also used. This active metal becomes the anode for both metals. The zinc or aluminum sacrifices itself to protect the other two metals, hence the term "sacrificial anode".
Seawater is a good conductor and freshwater a bad conductor, so corrosion is worse in seawater. Generally, corrosion rates increase in proportion to the amount of oxygen in the water. However, cracks and crevices, which are areas starved of oxygen, become anodic and corrode also. Higher temperature increases corrosion rates - doubling for every 30 degrees C (55 degrees F). There are various types of microorganisms that can contribute to corrosion, either by removing protection or causing a corrosive environment.
they do make a little difference with the alignment with the boat if not properly aligned and they are very sensitive to adjustment.
as far a torque, that could also be a factor but another thing to concider is the adjustment of your steering cable.
Most boats pull to the right a little bit. another thing to consider is the way that the load is distributed. do you have a little more weight on the one side? (fuel tanks, battery, trolling motor)
does your boat have trim tabs? they can also cause your boat to pull one way or another.
Hope this helps
Hey PT thanks for the pic! I didn't know that was the right thingy I was adjusting Sunday morning. Looked at theback of the outdrive and saw it was allinged. All but one screw was loose, alinged it and tightened the mounting screws. It didn't seem to help at all. Will keep looking and trying.
dan the pulling is to the left, I realinged the anode (if it is supposed to be stright),. So now I'm looking for other factors. Steering cable adjustments shouldn't be too dificult. So I guess that will be my next take a look and see. Thanks for the reply every little bit of knowlage helps.
I might be mistaken but as I understand its a safety factor that all boats are supposed to turn in a cirlce once the wheel is released altho' it seems like a double edged blade.
Hey Road, how goes things my friend, that anode is not suppose to be straight, unless of course your boat tracking straight. I had the same problem with my boat and found out that you adjust that anode to correct the pulling problem.
I don't remember for sure but I was thinking that it should be adjusted the opposite way that the pull is coming from. Give it a try and see what happens, it helped the pulling problem I was having but did not fix it all the way. I started off by adjusting mine all the way in one direction to see what would happen. I hope it works for you, good luck.
Hay WH2! hows the fishing been lately? You are right they are not suppose to be stright most are angled right for a right thrust motor, He could find a outdrive like his and see what degree that one is set at and go from there, Some trim tab anodes have the angle build right in or call Fred's Marine they are very helpfull!
For the most part fishing has been slow this year, how about you, have you done much fishing this year?
*Things* are going well for me WH2. How goes your battle? Well now see what I know about anodes. Good thing this board is here with so many knowlageable people onboard. I'll get it adjusted before the spring bash at Lake Powell. Thanks for the help, lets try and hook for some line soakin this spring.
Ok, there has already been a ton of excellent info here, and I don't consider myself an expert boat mechanic (still need to pay someone to tune up and replace the water pump in my boat), but I do understand the physics and logic of these thingies.
The previous posters are correct: that should not be perfectly lined up with your boat. Your boat will naturally pull to one side simply because of the direction the prop is spinning and the torque on the prop. You should then adjust the angle of that to compensate for this pull caused by your prop.
Adjust this slightly, balance and distribute the weight in your boat, and you should be good to go. Trim tabs can also be a big help to compensate for some lack of balance, but do also cause a little more drag in the water.
I hadn't thought of this before, but has anyone tried putting trim tabs all the way down to slow down the boat when trying to troll off the main motor? Interesting thought. Oh well, my 135 outboard will troll down to 1.5 MPH without a trolling plate or anything. Sure sucks the gas, though. Better (and less smoke) to go with a kicker motor.