Fishing Forum

Full Version: Local fishing in the Albany area
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Trout season opens today but our local streams are very fast and still swollen for Monday's 4" of rain. Dec will be starting their stocking progam this month, check their web site for the streams you like to fish.
The Hudson River is starting to see some striper ativity in the Piermont area, schoolies are being caught on blood worms. The water temp. down there is about 48 deg. The water temp in the alb. area was coming up good until the recent rain it is recovering now and is up to 38.7 deg. We can start looking for stripers when the temp gets up to about 45 or 46 deg. They will be sparce before the major schools arrive just after the herring and shad get up here.
There will be about 5 striped bass tournaments on the Hudson this year, with top prizes ranging from 500.00 dollars to 1000.00 dollars. One tounament is sporting a tag fish portion with a 100,000.00 dollar prize. You can check that out at Hudsonriverboating .com.