I haven't seen any posts here complaining about the price of gas and not being able to travel as often or as far to go fishing. Am I the only guy hurt'n with a 10 mpg gas hog? [unsure]
I get a bit better then 10mpg i get 20, and today i got a lead on a great deal on a saturn so i hope to move up to 30mpg, but i still cant stand to pay $2.24 a gallon, but i guess i have no other choice but to pay it or walk.
I`m PO`d too. In "01" I got a new diesel pu thinking how great it would be to have power and mileage...well I have it! but throughout history d-fuel has always been less than regular, now it`s more than premium, go figure! That extra 5k for the diesel engine would sure have bought a sh@# load of 85 octane.
Yes it`s a thought when I head out for some fun. I wonder if this message board will be all about car-pooling by the end of summer?
This topic really gets me, usually I write a few lines and done. The guys here would rather this be on the general discussion page I`m sure. I`ll pop a cold one and TRY to let it go. When it hits $3 a gallon I`ll post an essay and be looking for a ride.
........oh yah, hoey-doo`s today, maybe lindon sunday ?? noonish??
put a flowmaster muffler, high flow cat, dual exhaust, throttle body spacer, K&N air filter, and chip, with all this you should get about 19 mpg. I have a 95 chevy extcab and I've done all this to it and I get just about 19 mpg.
later chuck
[cool]Is a high flow cat the same thing as a "catback exaust?" Sorry for the dumb question, but I'm not the most mechanical person around. I've heard GREAT things about the K&N airfilter, and also the intake system they have.
[#0000ff]This post definitely belongs on the off topic board, and it will be sent there in time. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Too bad it has to be a topic of discussion on this board, or anywhere else. But, although we don't like it, we have to live with it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Sometimes ya gotta laugh...before ya cry. Here are some "humorous" looks at the problem.[/#0000ff]
![[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=9071;]](http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=9071;)
I hear you there! I think it's about time to break out the peddle harley!
No a high flow cat, is just before the cat back exhaust. It is a peice of the exhaust system, it collects unburned fuel fumes and turns them into liquid, it restricts the exhaust flow therefore a highflow will let more exhaust through.
Well gas prices are high yes. I remember gas being around $1 gal. then again you could buy a house for 50k back then. I wonder if inflation has anything to do with it. For some reason americans don't understand that gas prices go up with inflation the trucks and everything else to transport fuel and pump it out of the ground and wages have all gone up in the last 20 years.
All I can say is get used to it. buy a small car (used)to go too and from work and everything else you can and use your truck just for pulling a boat ect.
This has been a very hot topic ,on a few other boards that i visit.Some are already talking about having to cut back on thier boating/fishing time because of the price of gas.As for me think i will just cut back on the food stuff,need to lose some weight anyway.Iam luckier then a lot of folks as to the lake is only 25 miles from my house.
Last time I asked my wife it was around 2.15 a gallon. Multiply that by 42 gallons and you will feel my pain. [

i rember 25 cents a gallon, and it aint that long ago.
Time to break out the sign:
"This boat runs on gas, not on thanks!"
Yes, gas is high and it will only go much higher, unless enough people decide to do something about it, which I doubt will happen because everyone complains but does nothing.
Fact 1, gas is artificially inflated (don't buy any of these articles lately about it being "a bargain" when compared to 1980 and adjusting for inflation. Production is much higher now and transporting much more efficient). Gas is high because of speculation on the market. Everyone trying to make a buck buys a "future" for gasoline trying to predict how high it will go. The more ivestors who do this, the higher the price goes.
Fact 2, Long-term, US prices will reach or exceed all other countries because we have not built any new oil refineries in the US for nearly 20 years. WHY? Because everytime a businessman wants to build one he faces a deluge of resistance from the environmentalists. So far, the courts have supported the environmentalists and all new refineries have been blocked. You don't need a degree in economics to now that if demand keeps going up and there are no new refineries, price will go up up and up.)
Fact 3, We are not helpless. There is something that can be done. Actually, lots of things. If 50% of the US population could be convinced to boycott gas for just ONE day, it would cost oil drillers, refineries and middlemen billions of dollars and put the fear into them. It would be a start. Though not a short-term fix, allowing more refineries, even giving tax incentives to those who build them, would increase US capacity, reduce foreign dependency and drive prices down long-term. Drilling in Alaska's ANWAR would also boost supply.
Sorry for the long post, but its true. In the last year, no real change has occured in the supply chain, in the cost of drilling, transportation, refining, etc. AND YET gas has gone way up. We need to write our congressman, the president, etc. and demand something be proactively done. If we don't, we can't complain. It will have to be the middle-class man who does it, because if you are rich, a couple hundred dollars extra a month for gas is nothing.
If those prices scare you guys, don't even bother to come to SoCal. Our prices for regular unleaded range from 2.55 to 3.00 per gallon. You can only imagine what the better grades are running.[pirate]
I've been paying over 2$/gal for diesel ever since I bought my truck in December. At least I get 15 mpg rather than 10. I just try to drive less, and combine trips.
Kent, my boat runs on battery power[

[url "http://www.utahgasprices.com"]www.utahgasprices.com[/url]
I have to agree with most of what you said. However with current low inventories, the one day gas boycott has been shown to do little or nothing to overall prices. Now if we could boycott it for a full week that might cause something!
[url "http://www.snopes.com/politics/business/nogas.asp"]http://www.snopes.com/politics/business/nogas.asp[/url]
I see your point, perhaps I should clarify. The only way a one-day boycott would work is if people didn't actually buy gas. This does not mean buying more gas the day before or after. It means walking, taking the bus, riding your bike, something in which you don't actually use any gas (except for the bus, but it will be running anyway and uses little or no additional gas with more riders). This would have a billion-dollar effect, albeit a small one to a huge oil/gas companies. The point is not that it is going to really effect oil companies financially, only to make them see that consumers are serious about demanding lower prices (which, unfortunately, we probably really aren't). Of course, as ruger noted, the more participants and the longer the boycott the more effective.
However, most of us are very lazy and won't make the sacrifice required. Very, very difficult to get a majority of people to actually participate.
So . . . be prepared to pay whatever in the world they want to charge us. . . and be happy about it.
I feel all of your pain I have a Dodge V-10 and needless to say the pain is deep when you are going on long trip's. The only thing I can say is you either sit at home and get pissed over the gas prices or find a few buddies and split the cost's! Nobody ever said Toy's were cheap. I just keep hoping for a decrease in prices my pain is bad with the truck @ 40 gallons but the boat with it's 82 Gallons of prem is mind boggling
Let's just get everybody together and share cost's Then it will be better for all!!!
Yes Sockeyslayer, you have the most plausible solution. How many of us go fishing either alone, or with room in our vehicle/boat? Good way to save on gas, make new friends, and share the joy!