[url "http://www.savetoby.com"]http://www.savetoby.com[/url]
I am not sure if I condone this or not but either way I think its hiliariaus.
anything that riles up the animal rights groups and PETA I'm in favor of.
I'm just pissed that I didn't think up the idea first because it looks like they are making alot of money
Thats a great scam !Peta BETEER COUGH UP SOME MONEY.[sly]
After watching the story on the news last night I told my wife my only problem was I didn't come up with it first. They have raised over 20,000 already. PETA likes to waste our money on stupid lawsuits why not waste theirs on saving dinner. Maybe I could charge them for the fish I set free yesterday. [
LOL----I really hope peta sees this. Can anyone guess how many more adds like this are now going to show up?
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]That’s a great idea—[/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]If you people don’t pay me $20,000 in donations, I swear I’m going straight down to Utah Lake catching a Walleye and eating it. If I still haven’t raised the money its up to Willard where I’ll kill and eat a Whiper. After that, it’s Rockport to get a Trout. I wont stop there either.[/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Get the picture??? I mean it too! This is no idle threat! [/size][/font]
I agree Dan. Looks like the guy made a ton of cash, and got a good meal to boot!