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Full Version: The fishing Gods smiled
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Wallsburg was pretty fair Monday despite the haultrucks and graders doing 50 mph within 100 yards of me all day. The Gods took pitty on me and hooked me up with about 2 dozen trout and I landed about half of them, one was 22" long and hand quite a toolshed around the middle. Don't anyone worry, I let them all go to feed your ugly big eyes. I fed them fat garden hackle, and they love them, they wanted the whole worm, no diet plates here. Float it with a few split-shot three feet up the leader.

Did you know that you can use your wallet-chain for a stringer!
Sweet report man. Thanks for sharing. I wonder if DC will get less pressure with all the construction in the canyon?
Does anyone know how long the construction will last? Will it continue throughout the summer?