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Full Version: He's Here !!!!!!
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Well I finally got my fishing buddy at 7:59 this morning after almost 48 hours of labor (man my wife is tough, she went all natural until 4:30 this morning). He is my first and was 6 lbs 8 oz and 19 inches long. I will try and post some pics later, just thought I would share the news,
Congrats jed! I remember my first, was so surreal and the feeling when you hear the first cry come out of your new one is absolutely mind blowing.

Prepare for many great moments with the new "fishing buddy". Smile
Congrats! You will be a changed man forever from now on, that's for sure.

I had no idea how deeply I could care for another human being until my first son was born. Now, I look at my three (soon to be four) children and wonder how I ever lived without them.

Best wishes to you and your wife during the next few weeks, as you welcome this new addition into your family, and probably get very little sleep in the process. [Wink]
Congrats man! Hope both are doing well.
Hey Jed congratulations! My son is now 9 months old and preparing to go fishing with me for the first time this summer!
Hey Jed, Congrats on your new fishing buddy. Can't wait to go fishin with my kids again. Take care- Travis
[cool] congrats hope all is well..
Congrats man, sounds like you got a keeper
Congratulations on the latest addition to your family!! Hope all is well with Mom, the baby, and you. Take care.
[Smile] Good deal I am jealous cant wait till my little boy gets here. just hope he dosent fight like yours did. lol try n get some sleep now from what i hear those days are now gone
Jed, your fishin buddy will enrich your family life immensely. Enjoy him at every stage of his life and in return you will realize the joy of being a father. Congrats to you and your wife and post pics when you can.
Congratulation on the new addition. He will be out fishing with you before you know it. Time does fly.
[Smile]That's great news jed. Hope mother and baby are doing well. Your wife sure is a trooper if she went natural for a majority of her labor. Congrats![cool]
Congratulations To You & Your Wife Jed!
Congrats! Time to baby proof the place.
Congrats to the both of you JB! Natural huh? My wife did that too with our last. Get the pic our last LOL. I should have sugested it with the 1st, then maybe we would of had fewer LOL. Just kidding JB love them all. Give your Mrs a hug from all the BFTers, she is a tough one.