[unsure] how is the fishin sence this cold spell hit? by cold spell i mean 50-7-degrees thats cold here in the fl. panhandle. went fishin this last weekend ,never got a bite in 2 days, used live and artifical. i don't know if i was fishing to deep or what used worms artfical and live ,minows, jigs and plugs . it seems sencs this cold weather hit they aint biten,and i know they gotta eat .fishin for bass,crappy bream or catfish, whats-up?
Hey Swampy. You will probably get more replies to your local fishing questions if you put this in the state board that your from.
Hi swammpy [cool]
you are in the right place to talk fishing
One of the most over looked conditions that apply to fishing is the Barometer (barometric preasure).
When high pressure systems come over head the fish will slow down in activities to the point where for a legal catch you would have to snag them by the mouth.
Being in a southern climate you got the double whammies, a dreaded cold high-pressure system that went over.
This is a well-known but seldom reported fact that the barometric pressures can literally squeeze the appetite out of a fish and other animals as well. Where as with lower pressure systems will drive fish and other animals in to a feeding frenzy.
Now this is my opinion after fishing trapping and hunting for 40 years living on a farm and watching the eating habits of my livestock and monitoring the feeding habits of wild life when I worked for the department of natural resources of Michigan.
Check with other anglers to see if in deed that they have the same observation as mine. In addition keep a record of when you are hooking in to the little nippers and compare your results to the time and weather conditions and soon you will know if is worth your time to trek on the water or put on another cup of coffee.
If it is any consolation when that high pressure system was working its way down your way the edge of it hit Michigan and slowed the bite here a couple days ago, but now that it is passing to the way side the bite is picking back up. It will do the same in your neck of the woods in a day or so. Just keep an eye on your barometer.