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My wife teaches school age kids at a day care and want to get some polywogs and salemanders for the kids to watch grow and learn about the cycle of frogs.

Does anyone know where I can find/ catch any with salt lake and easy to get by chance? and help would be greatful.

Thanks in advance.

Don't know if Kaysville is too far for you, but my Bro-in-Law and myself always catch them at those ponds. Something to do while we are fishing, and my boy likes 'em too.

never been there, how do you get there. Is there an certain way to get em or just use your hands?

Kaysville ponds are right next to I-15 in kaysville. I'm not exactly sure what streets or exits to take though. I usually just drive in the general direction 'till I find it. In the past I've seen kids catch frogs with their hands and on bare hooks. If you just dangle the hook in the air above a frog, they will jump for it. Best to use barbless hooks though. I didn't see any salemanders though.
I've never seen any salamanders there either. You can use a goldfish net or a cup and put them in a jar. Sorry I don't have any good directions on how to get there.
