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Utah draws are in check your credit card to see if they have withdrew from your account just thought i would let all u hunters in[Smile]
Good call there. There hasn't been anything posted on my account, so it looks like another year of gathering bonus points.[Sad]
Haven't seen anything on my credit card except for Sportsmans, Cabelas, and BassPro. You get the idea here. Oh ya, and Mickey D's on my way to the pond.

I guess not seeing anything on there for hunt tags is a good thing so far, because I applied people for general tags on my card.

Still praying for the big bull tag for down south. But I won't hold my breath because I know alot of guys and gals have switched to my unit.

Good luck in the draws, except if you are applying where I am. Just joking.

Did you draw out? I was just wondering how you knew they had done the drawings already. The proclamation says we will get the results on the 29th, so I thought the drawing was the end of this week. Thanks for the info. WH2
hey wh2, they won't post the results until Friday, however they charge your card a few days before, so you can get an advanced notice if you check your account now.
This coming Friday is only the 22nd, a week before they post the results. I always thought the drawing was a week before the results were posted not two weeks, anyone know for sure? Thanks. WH2
not untill the end of the month is when they post them. but i promise if u check your credit card they would of took it out april 15th
The reason I'm was so concerned is, no money came out of my account, after 11 years I was hoping this would be the year. Do you think everyone that drew, would have money taken out on Friday or maybe a few left on Monday?
I had my credit card charged so did my friends n family
I'm still praying I see the charge!!! Nothing so far, Jake
I confirm what was said. Not to rub it in, but i also am missing $40.00 from my account. Although this is the first time i've drawn out i appreciate the heads up.

This morning I found a 53 dollar charge to my account and I am happy to see that, but am still a little concerned because I applied for a 138 dollar deer tag?[unsure] Did any of you only have them charge a portion of your tag fee? Is there anything that I should do? I will keep my fingers crossed!! Jake
Looks like I got my deer tag, since buck draw $40 was taken from my account yesterday or this morning.
I am an official retard!! I realized that I put in for a premimum hunt at 138 but my first choice was a limited entry archery tag for 53 dollars!! I guess there was no reason to get all up tight! All is good, nine years of waiting has finally paid off. Jake
If you see a $40 charge ($35 permit fee plus $5 application fee) then it probably means you ended up with a regular genaral season regional deer permit. If you see a $53 charge then you are one of the lucky ones that got a limited entry deer ($48 + $5). My account shows two $40 charges on 4/14, which means my son and I both missed the limited entry and got our second choice general region permits instead. Oh well, better luck next year. Time to FISH!
Actually the general season deer permit costs $40 + a $5 handling fee that was already charged to your card at the time you applied back in January -- just a clarification in case anyone cares.
You guys are getting off cheap. My card got dinged for $308, but that means either myself, my wife or my daughter drew a moose tag. Now the wait to see which one of us was the lucky one.
Well you can't complain about that! I haven't seen a charge as of yet...big surprise there, but a good friend's dad drew a moose tag. I've still got my fingers crossed, but I'm not holding my breath!