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Zebco is recalling childrens poles because of lead in the paint. You can get all the info
They have had lead in the paint since day one.[shocked]

I'm not giving up my Sponge Bob nor my Scooby Doo. They can recall all of the rest of them except those.[cool]
[cool][green][size 3]Hey - what all this jazz about lead. When I was a kid growing up we had the following lead items. [/size][/green] [ol] [li][green][size 3]lead in paint[/size][/green][/li] [li][green][size 3]lead in glass[/size][/green][/li] [li][green][size 3]lead in gas[/size][/green][/li] [li][green][size 3]lead toy soldiers[/size][/green][/li] [li][green][size 3]lead molding kits for making lead soldier[/size][/green][/li] [li][green][size 3]lead toys.[/size][/green][/li] [li][green][size 3]lead frying pans[/size][/green][/li] [li][green][size 3]lead caulking for drain pipes[/size][/green][/li] [li][green][size 3]lead solder[/size][/green][/li][/ol]
[green][size 3]Can't think of any more right now - can anyone add to this list. If so how come you are not dead? Oh yes - lead pencils are not made out of lead.