Fishing Forum

Full Version: Platinum Grill Oyster Rockefeller Stew
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13 ounces fresh oysters
5 strips bacon, diced
Olive oil, as needed
1/2 white onion, chopped
9 ounces cognac
1/2 gallon heavy cream
Large handful spinach
6 ounces granulated sugar
Salt and pepper
Put onions and bacon into a large saucepan, cooking over a low heat, sweating onions until they become translucent. When the onions and bacon have browned, add oysters and cognac. Watch out for the flame! Drizzle a little olive oil into the pot as needed to keep ingredients from sticking to pan. Cook down cognac. Add cream and bring ingredients to boil. Add sugar and salt and pepper to taste. When sauce thickens, add spinach and additional salt and pepper if needed.
Serves 6.