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Full Version: Surprises at Lincoln Beach -- Report of 5/3 & 5/4
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I've been hearing about decent crappie action at Lincoln, so I decided to take my sons (8 and 6) there on Tuesday evening. I met Doggonefishin there, and he gave me several pointers on how to fish for the papermouths.

While my sons kept busy with various activities such as frequently casting their jigs and impatiently reeling them in, skipping rocks, wading in the shallows to try and catch thrashing carp with their hands, and finding interesting places to urinate[crazy]--I watched as Doggone caught crappie after crappie. I, however, couldn't buy a bite. Using essentially the same technique and jig as Doggone, I couldn't catch even one.

My youngest son did manage to catch a bluegill, however. What a surprise! I've caught dozens of bluegill at other lakes but never in Utah Lake, so it was a first for our family.

Doggone graciously gave us a few of his crappie and one of his best jigs before leaving, which I certainly appreciated because without his crappie, our lone 'gill would have been very lonely in our frying pan later that night.

The next day, thoughts of the illusive crappie haunted me at work, so I asked the boys if they wanted to make a second trip to Lincoln in as many days. Of course they did.

After arriving at The Beach around 5 p.m., we began to fish using many of the same tactics as the evening before. Again, a big goose egg for our family. Not even a lonely 'gill would grace our stringer. (Maybe all the 'gills could sense they would become instant dinner if they accepted our offering. Boy, the 'gill the night before sure was tasty, as were the crappie.)

We pretty much stayed within the boat launch area between the boat dock and ramp for the first hour or so, but we soon decided to move around a little due to our lack of success. We eventually ended up fishing half way between the boat ramp and the points of the long rock dikes inside the channel itself where boats motor out to the lake.

Again, no hits, so I asked the boys if they wanted to go home. They said, "No," so I decided to change tactics. As I was changing the setup on one of the rods so that I could fish with minnows for bigger fish, Ocean pulled up in his car and asked how we were doing. I introduced myself, and we talked for awhile. He graciously offered several pointers and gave me a few of his spare jigs (what is it with BFTers--very nice people[cool]) and soon left to go to his son's ball game.

Shortly thereafter while my sons and I were having a rock skipping contest--having lost nearly all interest in fishing--I noticed that my nicest 7-foot rod was no longer propped up against the old piece of board I had stuck in the ground and was being tugged inch-by-inch into the murky water by something obviously quite large.

Of course, I quickly ran over, set the hook, and proceeded to fight something very big and very strong--big and strong enough that it took nearly a minute before I could get it close enough to the surface to realize what it was. Well, it ended up being a 26-inch walleye. My first ever 'eye![cool]

My sons both asked repeatedly, "Dad, can I reel it in?...Dad, can I reel it in?" because I always let them if I have a fish on, but not this time. I was so excited about my first walleye that I ignored them and reeled it in solo. I know; it was a pretty selfish thing for a dad to do[unsure], but after seeing those teeth, I didn't want to run the risk of him biting through my monofilament and escaping.

Well, just as the evening before, the eye became dinner for the three of us. My wife was so impressed with the huge walley that she even nibbled at it after it was the focus of several pictures and it was fried in butter, Old Bay seasoning, and Mrs. Dash. Tasty![Wink]

I apologize for the extra-long post, but over the last two evenings I've experienced a few firsts--i.e., a first-ever Utah Lake bluegill, a first-ever walleye from anywhere, and our family's first crappie and walleye dinners on two consecutive nights.
Thanks for the report! Man those Walleye are tasty!
Thanks, CBR. I read your report along with TubeDude's regarding your successes at the Bubbleup. Good to hear you both did well.

TubeDude's walley and mine were nearly identical in length. I need to learn to catch mine with skill (like the two of you) instead of dumb luck.
Yesterday was pure luck.

I couldn't find a specific pattern that was working with the fish. I tried right off the bottom and picked one up, but then the other came only about 30 inches below the bobber, about 2 feet off the bottom. I also sweetened up my white curly tail with a little perch meat. Always helps. Wink
[#505000]Hey I didn't know that was you at Lincoln or I would have stopped and talked to you a little longer. [Smile] I was the guy in the Punisher T-shirt who fished the boat launch a little ways to the east of you. After watching you pull in that Walleye I was getting excited that I might finally get into some decent fish. I only ended up with 2 mud cats [Tongue], and that monster carp. [/#505000]
Nice job on the walleye! That is a great deal more exciting than a boring old crappie. What did the kids think about the teeth on her?

One thought on the crappie. On Saturday, when the crappie stopped hitting, I soon after, picked up a walleye. Maybe when an 'eye comes through, the crappie head to the tumbleweeds and hide. The big eye I got on Saturday had a 4 inch bluegill in her. On Tuesday, (when the crappie bite was good) no eyes were caught by me. Maybe yesterday, the eyes were back in the harbor again in force. Just an idea, and there are a lot of guys on the board who know more about Lincoln beach and (especially) eyes and crappie than i, but the changes on every trip make it fun. tight lines
Hey TD, thanks for making me feel like there was a little skill involved when I caught that 'eye.

There's kind of a funny story behind it. While I was rerigging my pole to fish with minnows, either I or one of my sons stepped on the ziplock bag half full of minnows that I was planning to use.

When I reached for the bag, its contents looked more like squishy fish soup than individual minnows, so I picked out a couple of heads, threaded them on the hook, and added a couple small worms that the boys dug up in our garden to the conglomeration.

Although it was a strange recipe, I can't deny that the 'eye found it irresistible. I did actually get two more very good hits on the surf-and-turf combo, but I couldn't close the deal on either of them.

Svpdgcar, it's too bad I didn't know that was you, or we could have chatted more. I have a cloth BFT patch that Petty sent me last year that I should sew on a hat or something. I guess the BFT sticker on my tackle box that proudly displays my true colors isn't getting the job done in the recognition department.

Hey Doggone, thanks once again for the gift of the Charlie Bee. It still hasn't yielded any crappie for me yet, but knowing that it produced for you gives me confidence.[cool] As you can surely attest, those 'eyes are great fun to catch and pretty darn tasty, too.
Hey one more thing for all you walleye experts out there: Will the minnow bite continue in places like the channel in between the dikes at LB and elsewhere in other protected harbors around the lake as we progress into summer?

I mean, walleye have to eat. Do tactics and fishing methods have to change drastically as we move into hotter summer days? I would assume that walleye might move into deeper water as the weather warms, right?

Would fishing with minnows outside the dikes during hotter summer days result in a walleye or two? I know, walleye are finicky fish, but I'm sure some of you out there have tactics you employ for late-spring and early-summer walleye fishing at UL and DC.
[#505000]I guess my Punisher T-Shirt didn't get the job done either! [Tongue] I'm going to have to get me a BFT shirt or something!![/#505000]
Hey glad to hear you didnt go home empty handed.Walleyes are great eating! I have seen a bunch of walleyes being caught in the harbor area.Seems there is something there they love to eat.[Wink] This summer i plan on fishing lincoln and doing overnighters with my kids .Fishing is very good at night and you never know what you will get ![sly]
After I read TubeDude's reply about night fishing, I thought the same thing. I'm looking forward to late-night fishing with my kids.

Are campfires legal on the shores of the lake? I don't know why they wouldn't be. I think it would make the outing that much more enjoyable for my kids while we were fishing if there were fire and food involved.
We had a campout last month. We had a fire going.We roast marshmellows and hot dogs at night .I have had cops come down and just shoot the breeze with us last year.So if it was illegal they would have said something.Anyway whats going to burn the rocks?
We need to do an overnighter with the kids when the weather gets a little more stabilized.