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There was an article in the Ogden standard examiner this morning stating that they were going to be dredging the channel between the launches, and the open water in the south marina. Looks like it will only be on weekdays till 3pm. I guess that it is too bad that it takes so long to get a permit. It really should have been done last year.
Good to hear that they are finally doing it. It would have been much easier and less expensive to do it last year when the marina was dry! I'm sure a track machine with a couple of dump trucks could have make quick work of that place.
Do you know when the last time they dredged the marinas at Willard? I was only out there once last year and it looked the same as ever except the low low water and it was I think in early May. My first time out this year it looked to me like they had dredged it and I thought maybe they had just finished dredging. Any info on this is helpful. Thanks,
I don't know when the last time was, however I'm pretty sure that they didn't do it last year. Alot of people wanted it done last year but the permit process was too slow.
"Do you know when the last time they dredged the marinas at Willard?" I don't know about the south marina but if your question is about both marinas, they dredged the North marina over a year ago. They only dredged from the launch ramp threw the channel and they left a spot at the edge of the bay that blocked boats from getting out when the water was so low last year. They dredged the channel to the inlet several times last year but they haven't dredged the south marina for somewhere near 10 years(I'm not sure of the exact date). WH2