Fishing Forum

Full Version: Survey for the future of Florida’s Freshwater Fisheries
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Florida, You are cordially invited to participate in an online survey to assist in determining the goals and direction for the future of Florida’s Freshwater Fisheries.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission was recently reorganized and a new Division of Freshwater Fisheries Management was formed “to manage, enhance and preserve Florida’s Freshwater Aquatic Life for public benefit.” The new Division Director, Darrell Scovell said, “We are attempting to assess the performance of the previous fisheries division over the last five years and to refine our own strategic and tactical planning. We hope to measure our progress, identify areas that need attention, and strengthen the bond between us and the community. We are committed to a renewed emphasis on conservation programs that are research-based, both from the standpoint of ensuring scientifically valid approaches to sustaining our resources and to assuring that you and our other customers our satisfied with our efforts and the results at a local level.”

As a first step in this process we have posted an on-line survey at [url ""][/url]. Your candid and thoughtful reply will help our evaluation. Most people are able to complete the questionnaire in less than 15 minutes. Your response and any comments are strictly confidential. After the results are tabulated and compiled, we will publish an on-line summary report.
In a second step, our staff will hold a series of zone summit meetings with concerned citizens to further discuss the results from this survey and help develop our future plans and priorities. As part of the survey, you will be asked about your willingness to participate in a future planning meeting and when and where would be most conducive to your involvement.

Remember the comments we receive will be used to help set priorities for conservation efforts and guide our agency into the future.

Please complete the survey by May 15, 2005 to be included in our planning efforts.