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Full Version: Winter Surf Perch Hot Spots?
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Please share your favorite hot spots for those big barred perch that come to shore.


The best spot I know of is the street in Sunset Beach that runs along the Water Tower House. I know a guy who fishes there with five oil colored tails trailing behind a 2 ounce sinker. He casts with 8 pound line on a medium sized spinning reel on a 8 1/2 foot rod.He allows the current to swing the sinker and simply winds in the slack. He doesn't impart any action to the rod and "catches em" sometimes 5 at a time. When it slows down I have seen him with the same outfit on the Seal Beach Pier. George


Dear greenhorn: My next story on Georges Corner will feature fishing for the surf perch, how to do it, tackle and where to do it. I'm not a veteran of the surf fishes but I know a lot of anglers that are.
I've taken most of my larger fish at Santa Cruz Island. But from shore I'd suggest Sunset Beach area and up north the Ventura area. My best baits have been soft shell crabs and ghost shrimp. I've also taken a lot of fish on small rubber gruybs.