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I was fly fishing in the mountains of BC i casted my fly hook onto the glass surfaced lake.Then morning mist was floating just above the surface dissapearing as the sun grew hotter. I watched a huge rainbow trout surface and take my fly breaking the surface gently. setting the hook the massive trout refused and jumped into the air shadowing the sun for a moment .After fighting this fish for it seemed hours with neon blue fly line. ;D I managed to bring it in.
. I was holding this 5 ft trout in my arms like i would hold newborn child, and then out of the sky
a eagle came .Swooping down it snatched the massive trout with it huge steel talons .But i hang on it lifted me up into the sky with it beating me in the face all the way with its huge tail feathers. I looked down and watched the lake from the eagles point of view i could see trout!! every where surfaceing all i could think of was how i wished i knew what they were eating lol ;D
Thats when the eagle dropped me i fell it seemed thousands of feet. Splash!! i landed in knee high water breaking my fly rod.
.I watched the huge metal eagle soar away over mountian tops with my trout . I woke up crying and sweating and swearing then i proceeded to tell the wife how good eagle fried drumsticks would taste . ;D :
On the other hand since fly fishing season is starting i think its a good time for me to stop lol ;D
GREAT STORY enjoyed it very much
Awesome story, have you ever considered writing for F &S?[Wink]