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Full Version: Number one Walleye
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I am happy to report that Saturday was a momentous occasion. My kids and I hit Lincoln beach at 6:30 Sharp looking to bag us a Walleye. After helping each of the kids get set, I was ready for the battle to bag the Eye. While my Daughter was getting some good hits, I had nothing. My girl snagged a fish but it got away before she got it in. Then another, but couldn't land it. Then we got the June Sucker surveyor bothering us so my concentration was completely on the Eye. After I got him to leave......zing! I pull in a nice channel cat. Trying to help my kids get some action, I put my fishing aside for the moment. Finally, back at it, and I pulled in my first Walleye.

After our success at Utah lake, I met up with svpdgcar,and fishluvr to hit Schofield. After some fairly good success with the troutskie's, we were feeling pretty good about the day. Then, I hear svpdgcar yell "I lost my stringer!" After several minutes of rolling on the ground laughing and poking fun of Gary, the fish surfaced 15 feet out. Gary scrambles to try to snag it with the cast net, but no luck. He claims to have the Mother of all Cutbow's on the stringer.....and of course that is how they were able to free themselves from bondage, but I sure don't remember seeing any Monster Cutbows.

Needless to say, it was a great day!!!(except for Gary)
How big was your eye and what part did you catch him at?
I caught it on the east dike, on the east side, just off the point. It was 20". Unfortunately my scale wasn't working properly so I didn't get an accurate weight. At least I don't think it was working, it said my 23" channel cat was less than a pound!! I think the fillets I took off it weighed that much!!! Got to find my digital scale!!