I'm heading down to Price to work the rest of this week. I figured I'd throw in a bunch of fishing stuff (golf clubs too) just in case.
Here's the thing about me though, I'd rather catch one 28 inch fish than a whole day 14 inchers.
I know all the rivers are still blown out, and I have 1 little spot out there that holds some hogs that I'm goint to check out.
but does anyone know of any other little spots that might hold some BIG fish.
Feel free to P.M. me with anything you don't want to post. If asked to keep a secret I will.
[cool]I'd be willing to bet that fuzzyfisher knows a spot or two down that way that holds some nice hogs. I'd send him a pm if I were you in case he doesn't see your thread. Good luck down there.
if your going to be in the area it would be worth trying joes valley res. their are some real monster splake in their. their is so much feed (suckers) in there for them! take some sucker meat, or use a worm to catch one when you get there, and then use a piece to fish the bottom. a way to get BIG ones, but not as many, is to use a whole dead sucker or chub on the bottom. will you have a boat or be fishing from shore? pm me if you are interested and i can tell you specific spots/rigs that ive done good there on.
i dont know if ill get down there this year- ive gone at least twice for my whole life of 25 years. i like the gorge way too much now! good luck!
I have to agree with BKidder, joes valley is the place for a possible hog. I was there a couple of years ago durring a dwr gillnet study. They netted godd numbers of 5-12Ib splake and a couple that went well over 20 lbs. I grew up in the area, and for many years joes valley was a "catch a million pan fish fast and furious water" In recent years it has become(since the intro of splake) a often slow but quality trophy water. It just takes a little patience and time to learn how to get the splake. The largest splake in the state are in there, with 5-10 lb fish common for those who no how to fish it. Good luck and let us know how you do.
well if your in the price area there is some good fishing to be had around.. scofield is close 40 min's away..
starvation is only about 1 1/4 hours away some big browns come in this time of the year there..
huntington game pond is close and has some 6 lbs bass in there and i was catching some nice 2 to 4 lbs browns there 2 weeks ago..
then there is E-lake up the canyon and if the ice comes off in the next 3 or 4 days it will be red hot for some cutt's in the 2 to 4 lbs size with some over 6 lbs.the river below E-lake huntington creek will not run brown this year so if your into flyfishing that has got some nice fish in it as well..
then there is joe's valley.. there you have a chance at braking the state record splake and albino trout.. but the lake is way down at lest a week ago it was.. boat ramp was high and dry and the new ramp was not open.. so if you have to do it from the bank it's hard to get much more then alot of small splake and cutt's with a slot limit thrown in here and there.. the lake is loaded with chub not suckers.. so just take a small poll and catch as small of one as you can try and get one in the 3 or 4 inch size and put it on the bottom.. should get you a nice one you can use chuncks of chub as well if you can't catch a small one..and if you realy want to try for a big one then put a 6 to 8 inch chub on and throw it on the bottom..
if you go to Joe's valley let me know if the ramp is open yet.. cant wait to get my boat on there..
there are both chubs and suckers in joes valley. last year i spent some time catching bait by the mouth of littles creek. we caught suckers up to almost 20 inches! when i was a kid we used to kill suckers in littles, and lowry. it wasnt until about 6 or 7 years ago that we started seeing the chubs. its too bad the boat ramp is dry- im sorry to hear that. hopefully with the run off the lake will come back up. i do know some spots to catch some nice ones from shore, so even if you cant put a boat in, there are still possibilities. its definately tougher without a boat, but not hopeless. pm me and ill give you some locations.