Fishing Forum

Full Version: Absolutely Beautiful (Report)5/15
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Myself and Aquaman went on a float tube and Kayak Adventure on Sunday at Little Dell Reservoir, Utah. It is about 15min up I-80 From Salt Lake City. It is a City Water supply Reservoir. There's no Motor's allowed. It is a Artificial flies and lure body of water. It is a Great cutthroat and brookie fishery

We Fish from 7:15 to 11:30. I caught 9 cutts. Three of which were above 20". Aquaman from his Tube caught 5. His biggest going 20". He caught one Brookie about 14 ". I caught all of mine on a Shad rap.The water temp was Between 47 to 49 degrees.

The weather and fish were ABSOLUTELY beautiful. We had flat water for almost the whole trip.

Kayak Fishing is good for my soul.

[cool][#0000ff]Sounds great. Don't you love it when everything comes together just right and you have one of those rare and wonderful experiences?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]That's what it's all about.[/#0000ff]