[size 2]If you are interested in entering the Fishing photo contest but do not have anything with the BigFishTackle.Com logo on it. Please do the following:
1) Reply to this post saying "I am registered", so we can confirm you are registered.
2) Send an email to webmaster@bigfishtackle.com with you address and we will send you something with the logo on it (shirt, hat, patch, it will depend on what is in stock).
NOTE: Please do not post your address directly in you reply here, email it to the address above.[/size]
I am registered........
I am registered!
Got the patch and stickers yesterday - thanks! There'll be pictures soon - can't fish today 'cause of hurricane Dennis going by...
I am registered
pm me your address if you dont have a logo sticker and I will get one in the mail to you.
also send me a pic of you holding a fish so I can make an Icon for the contest page.
if you already have a logo sticker you can start taking pic's of your catches and enter them on the contest page....
I am registered.
do you want to enter the contest?
do you have a copy of the bigfish logo?
I am registered.
Don't have anything with the BFT Logo on it though.
[url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?post=188638;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;"][#000000][size 1]3rd Anual Ultimate Bigfishtackle.com 16 Species Fishing Contest 2005[/size][/#000000][/url][size 1] [/size]
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[size 1]at the bottom of the first post at the above link is an attachmen to a logo that is printable, black and white is fine.[/size]
[size 1][/size]
[size 1]send me a privet message and give me an address where to send you a bigfishtackle logo sticker. this will get you started...[/size]
I am Registred
I am registered
I am registered.
I am registered.
] I am registered! [
High Jeff, [angelic]
glad you could join in, untill we can get you a logo you can print one or I will even except a black and white marker or crayon drawing of the logo on a peice of paper.
follow this link to make entries in the contest and see other contestants entries.[cool]
[url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/photos/showgallery.php/cat/532"]2006 16 Species Contest[/url]
Open April 1 through December 1
Follow this link to see the rules and score board and maybe a little friendly ribbing from other contestants.[
[url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?post=253421;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;"]
[#4040ff][size 1]4th Anual Ultimate Bigfishtackle.com 16 Species Fishing Contest 2006[/size][/#4040ff][/url][size 1] [/size]
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[size 1]
good luck, and be safe on the water....[/size]
Hey Jeff, I used to live in Chehalis Wa, if thats your location be sure to stop in and say hi on the Washington Forums.
Yes I am in Chehalis. I have only been here about 18 months so I am looking for local lakes and rivers to fish.[cool]
I'll see if I can find the Washington Forum.
When i lived on that side i fished Carlysle lake and in the Olympic National Park up off of I-5.
My son caught a 11 1/2 lb `bow out of Carlisle Lake two weeks ago... nice little lake. I am getting geared up for Mayfield's Tiger Muskies later this summer. Hopefully I can snag myself a healthy one.