Fishing Forum

Full Version: Looking for fishing Partner for today
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Have an unexpected dayoff. Worked on the pick-up this morning now I'm ready for some fishing.

Will be taking the boat, thinking off Ut Lake or maybe Jordanelle. Anyone who wants to go drop me a PM I have room for one . If ya have my nunber give me a call.
Hey Marty , I would love to go with ya but just had surgery monday and still walking like a cripple and I bet I wont do waves very well either with out my little pills that make the pain go away . Sucks when you want to go fishing and you really can't . Good luck to you if you make it out .
Thanks Randy, I didn't know you needed surgery. I hope it went well and all gets better quick. Don't spare the mothers little helpers if it acts up. I learned the hard, better to kill the pain than let the pain kill you. And I will be *making it out*, its not often I get a day off during the week. I intend to put it to good use!