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The fishing season opens on Henrys Lake on this Saturday and all indications indicate that the fishing should be fair to good. The gill netting has shown a good mix of 1, 2 and 3 year old cutthroats with a good number of hybrids over 10 pounds. In the gill nets one day last week there were two 11 pound hybrids in them. According to the numbers in the nets, the fish population appears to be strengthing. Also the gill nets showed a fair population of 1 1/2, and 2 1/2 year old brook trout. I am excited to go after the big boys this year again.

Where is henrys lake?


Henrys Lake is in Idaho next to West Yellowstone. It is known for producing very large trout - up to 12 to 13 pounds. Five to eight pound fish are regularly caught there.
Sounds like I need to get some use out of my Idaho Non-resident annual fishing license.
BS -- any word on Island Park Res?

I will be in Island Park the second week of June. I am trying to figure out where my best bets are going to be. I'm not sure I want to fight with the crowds at Henry's Lake....


Last year there were no crowds on Henrys Lake and early in June during the week you have plenty of space.

I fished Island Park Reservoir twice this year for about eight hours total and took only two small trout. The reservoir is 101% full and after being drawn down to 9 to 11% the last couple of years, there are not a lot of fish in it. I will be surprised if it fishs well before it is drawn down to about 30% again. You might want to try a few lakes in Montana near Henrys like Hebgen, Cliff, Wade or Quake lakes. With the size of fish that I caught last year on Henrys, there is where I will be!!!!!!!!!!!

I caught a 30 in. 10 1/2 lb rainbow At IP. It was cought out in Trudes bay. The summer after it had been drawn down to work on the dam


In the fall when the water in Island Park has been drawn down for irrigation, the fish congregate in Trudes and Grizzly Springs areas and some very large fish are taken at that time. When the reservoir is full and the fish are scattered, most of the time finding the fish can be difficult at best.
Lets go kent !!
Sounds like a plan, just not sure when I can make it. Enich, have you fished it?
i have fished henrys once in my life. some reason never made it there much. so i dont know it very well. i have been to the streams and rivers around it quite a bit just never out on the lake. but the only way to learn it is go i guess. i am planning on a summer trip there would be nice to get out of this heat here once it starts crankin.
Well, we are even. I fished it once as a young kid, so you know how long ago that was!