I have a question about radios. When you guys are talking about talking to each other on radios out there in the great outdoors and you refer to say channel 12 or one of the others, is that the same channel 12 on a CB radio or is this something different.
We're referring to the FRS channel twelve that most small handheld radios (motorola,cobra,etc..) have. Some of the nicer radios have sub channels like 12-1,12-2 etc. but we just use 12 or 12-0. Try just calling out something like "breaker, breaker one two this is the rubber duck. Any Big Fish guys on the water??"
On busier waters you'll usually get a response.
in other words no not a CB

Doesn't any BFT's use the high power channels? I noticed the DOT road construction flag crew at Bear Lake (Logan Canyon) are using channel 7. Are all those people licenced?