Anybody know when Condie will be accessible? I went there last weekend and they had the road blocked off and the locals said that people were getting stuck. Just curious if anybody knew what the deal is.
My bro-in-law and I went there a week ago Saturday. There was one big ol' mud hole. It wasn't blocked off so we went thru. We ended up pushing some mud with our bumper. I can see why they would close the road. We did alright fish wise. We got about 5 LMB. They were biting hard at first and we couldnt get any in the boat. Then they kinda died off. Hope it opens back up soon.
I haven't heard anything official about Condie but I would guess that it has been a problem at Condie all Spring because of all the rain. The 1 mile dirt road between the highway and the boat ramp gets to be a muddy mess every time it rains. I wouldn't expect the road to get much better until it gets a chance to dry out.
Here's a story from the F&G about another Reservoir in Southern Idaho with similar problems
Horsthief Reservoir Visitors Take Note
by Evin Oneale
If a stay at Horsethief Reservoir is in your Memorial Day plans, be sure and pack your mud boots. Recent, unprecedented rainfall has made a muddy mess of much of the area surrounding the popular recreation site.
"The west side road is in rough shape," Fish and Game utility craftsman Dennis Hardy said. "The heavy rains have washed away the $10,000 dollars in road repairs we completed last year."
Visitors are advised to travel slowly on the west road and remain on improved roadways as off-road motorized travel is restricted at Horsethief. "Sensitive areas next to the improved campgrounds are particularly vulnerable to illegal vehicle traffic," Hardy noted. "And with all the campground improvements at Horsethief, there really is no reason for anyone to travel off-road."
Thanks to the rough road conditions, one common complaint from visitors - speeding - should be a non-issue during the long weekend. "We'll be grading the road as soon as it dries out, which won't be until after the holiday," Hardy noted.
With the reservoir freshly stocked with rainbow trout, fishing conditions should be excellent, a fact not lost on regular Horsethief visitors. "Anglers will comprise a large part of the big crowd we're expecting for the weekend," Hardy noted. "We're usually full by Friday afternoon."
While fishing is a primary activity at Horsethief, others come to camp at the reservoir and ride motorcycles and ATVs in the surrounding area. "Folks using ATVs or motorcycles should be aware that these machines are restricted to improved roads at Horsethief, and may only be used to enter and exit the site, and that all applicable state laws apply, including helmet laws for younger riders and registration stickers," Hardy said. "And with all the private land surrounding Horsethief changing hands recently, riders are responsible to know where they are riding to avoid trespass charges."
We were at Condie this week end. But it is still blocked off the water is as high as it has ever been. The uppper east corner of the reservoir is clear across the road. Locals got tired of trying to pull people out. So don't look fprward to going in until after the water goes down and the road is repaired.
Welcome to BFT alscustomrods and thanks for the update.
Did the road "sink"? Can you drive to the edge of the reservoir or is the road closed off at the highway?
Condie has been what I thought was chuck full at this time last year and the year before but if I remember correctly the road was at least a foot or two above the water level.
Brian, that is why it is closed. The water is way up the draw this year and its still melting. They hope to get it fixed soon. I can't answere anything more than that. Thats all I know. Kingfisheral.